We're not gay- I swear!!

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3 days later...
Alexandra POV
"Yes. I promise you I'm fine. Trust me. I know myself mum" I say to the phone and sigh listening to her response
"No. I'm just bored that's all. I'm not depressed" I tell her in an obvious tone. Why would she think I am depressed?
"Ok ok sorry sweetie. You just seem annoyed. Are you sure anything hasn't been going on?"
"Yeah mum I'm fine. I just wanna get outta here"
"How many more days"
"You mean hours" I correct her
"You're getting discharged today?" She asks confused
"Yeah. 2 hours. I'm just really impatient that's all. I'm going to surprise them all with Zac of course. They think we are coming back tomorrow" I tell her laughing.
"Oh god Alexandra. Just get on with it. You'll be fine. I love you. Have fun camping"
"Ok. Bye mum" I laugh hanging up. Conversations with my mum are just so weird!!

Myles POV
"Anyone want a coffee?" I offer as I stand up waiting for everyone to answer. They all nod icing me the money.
"Thanks guys. Trevor want to come with?"
"Yeah you'll probably need help with all those coffees" he chuckles standing
We get to the coffee van and there is a huge line wait which is perfect cause I need to speak to Trevor.
"Trevor" I ask him and he turns around from where he was looking at s cute bird above him
"I have a question" I tell him and his eyebrows perk up
"Well ok man but it's like 7am. I'm not very good with math this early"
I chuckle "it's not math bro"
"Oh. What do you need then?"
"Advice with Briar" I admit as we move up in the line
"And that I can help you with..." He says trailing off
"Ok so we've been together for so long, years can't count and I want to take it to another level" I tell him comfortably. Trevor is like a big brother I never had. As are Lamar and Isaac and Zac.
He looks around "you mean like sex wise" he says softly
"Oh no way. We've done that heaps of times. I mean like taking it higher than that. Way higher" I hint him and the confusion on his face is priceless. His face expression turns and I know he is thinking
"You mean like having a baby?" He asks sand I chuckle, moving up. We are now two people groups away from the van. This better be quick
"I want to propose!!" I shout to him. He just was not getting it and he is the ladies man to talk to in the cast. The one who helps with everything to do with a girl. As soon as I shout it I look around to see so many countless faces staring at me and Trevor like we are crazy. I stare back and even the coffee man thinks we are insane. Probably going to kick us out soon!
"Oh no no. I'm not proposing to him. He's married. We are NOT gay. I was talking about my girlfriend. She is beautiful and a really great dancing. Been going out for so many years and I think it's time to--"
"Bro just shut up" Trevor nudges me as I silent myself obviously knowing why he said that. I'm digging myself into a bigger hole. And then we reach the coffee man.
"Hi how can I help you two?"

Brittany POV
"No sweetie. No marshmallows now. It's 7:30am." I tell Riley as she walks over to get a drink of water before she spills it all over Trevor's jacket that was hanging near it
"Oh crap. Riles please go and get dressed. Where are the boys??! I need my coffee" I ask myself
"They should be back soon. Apparently the line was a shocker" vic says overhearing my mental freak out as she passes through me. Everyone is sitting at our huge homemade kitchen table eating cereal, fire baked toast and drinking hot chocolate. We didn't want to do pancakes this morning as we had them yesterday and we just decided to keep it simple for this morning. This is the 6th day so tomorrow we are going home. Alex I think is coming home tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure.

"Coffees" I hear a familiar voice announce as two figures come marching in towards the campsite, plastic mugs in hand.
"Thank you very muchly" I say to them cheekily.
"This is my life. Coffee helps me get through today." I tell everyone making them laugh.
"So what are we going to do today?"
"Maybe we could go jet skiing and then go into town later tonight. The kids can sleep this arvo so they're prepared and recharged" Isaac says
"Ooo I second that!" Jennie says
"Yeah me too. Well I'll play with the younger one on the sand as I can get ski but I will definitely come with you guys tonight" I say and Trevor puts his arm around me
"As soon as number 4 becomes ours, we're going jet skiing babe- just you and me" he whispers into my ear as he leans over privately towards me. I chuckle giving him a kiss whole I'm there
"PDA much Trittany. Kids remember" Alex says....
Wait Alex? She's not coming until tomorrow!???
"Oh my god!!!!" I squeal jumping up and down and then hugging her as she and Zac walk in more towards us with a baby carrier.
"Hello again gorgeous girl" I say touching her petite nose and she giggles. Everyone else crowds Alex and Zac while we step back admiring the fun.

Oh my god we are going to have such a fun day today!! It's out last day and what better way to spend it than with these guys!!

The Next Step: 6 Years OnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon