Fault and Relief

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Alexandra POV
Right now I am at my parents house. Away from Zac and Em. I said that I needed to help my mum and dad lift some things and needed to stay the night. part of that lie was true.

I can't face him though after what I did. everyone pretty much knows. apart from him.

I make myself a cup of tea and sit down on the lounge taking a deep breath. We had a day off from set today which was good. I can't go back to work thinking that I have to 1) be pregnant with 2) not even my on screen husband but on screen boyfriend.

Last night I spent every hour up until when mum and dad when to bed crying. they know what I did and for them, seeing me upset makes them feel sympathetic for me and overall they are just really supportive. After they went to bed, I went to bed not long after and don't fall asleep until 1:00 am because I just couldn't stop crying.

What was Zac going to say? What would happen to me? What would happen to Emily? To the new baby? To the random guy I slept with? To Zac? To us?

Brittany POV
"What do you mean- not Zacs baby?" Trevor asks me
"Alex went to a party about 5 days go with Zac. Alex got drunk and slept with a mysterious person in a blacked room and two days later found herself pregnant. She doesn't know who it is she had sex with. Yet alone who the father of her baby is." i explain
"That......Thats just terrible" trevor says
"What's worse. Zac is absolutely clueless. I told Alex to stay overnight at her parents house, to clear her head and just rethink" I tell him
"Oh my god. Tuesday is going to be a very twisted day. Everyone's going to want to know about Riley, Zac and Alex are going to be in a fusion all day and we have to perform a birth scene." he says wrapping his arms around me
"Yeah I know it's going to be...wait did you say birth scene?" I ask him
"Yeah" he says nodding
"Agghhhhh!" I say burying my head and trevor rubs my back.
"I totally forgot" I add
"It's ok don't worry about it. you will be fine" he says soothingly
"Thanks babe. what's the time?"
"12:30" he replies
"Ok I'm going to catch some rest. help me move James and Emma to Riley's bed?" I ask him as I scoot Emma to Riley's bed while Trevor does James.
I hop in the spare bed next to Trevor, his arms around my waist.
"Goodnight Trevor" I say kissing him
"Goodnight Britt" he replies kissing me back
************NEXT MORNING ********
We are in our car, driving back home from the hospital web my phone rings
"Alex?" I say picking it up
"Hi Britt"
"Hey what's up"
"Ok so mum told me to go to the doctors to just make sure of the identity of the father. I just need to know who it was. I have brought Zacs DNA with me and if it doesn't match up to his then my world will be changed and so will his. I'd prefer not to talk about that though." she tells me
"Ok. that's great"
"Yeah it's better to be safe than sorry. but anyways I rang to ask you if you could come with me?" she asks me
"Oh my gosh yes! of course of would babe. you need all the support you can get"
"Thanks so much Britt you are so good to me. ill pick you up In an hour"
"No worries. sounds good"
"Thanks again. see you soon" she says happily
"Bye" I reply before ending the convo and putting my phone on my pocket
"Trevor!!!" I yell getting his attention

Victoria POV
Today we are going round to Britt an Trevor's. Riley loves Maddie and so they love catching up. I know Britt won't be there for a bit as she has stuff to fix up with Alex but we did come to see riley
I knock on their door
"Hi! Come in! Britts with Alex at her doctor appointment that I will tell you about later but how are you?" Trevor says as he greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Isaac with a handshake.
"Hey vic you shouldn't be carrying her" he tells me and I giggle. men are so alike
"Thanks" I say as he scoops Maddie out of my arms and onto the floor and she runs off holding Riley's other hand
We walk into their lounge room and sit down
"Drinks?" trevor asks
"Tea please thanks Trev" i say
"Just water thanks" Isaac says as he places his hand on my lower thigh with a sympathetic look.
Trevor comes in with our drinks and we start chatting
"So what's up with alex?" Isaac asks him
"Well Alex went to a party about 5 days go with Zac. Alex got drunk and slept with a mysterious person in a blacked room and two days later found herself pregnant. She doesn't know who it was she had sex with. Yet alone who the father of her baby is." Trevor explains. I cusp my mouth with shock
"Oh my god!" I say aloud
"It's ok. it might be Zac in all seriousness. that's why Britt and her went to find out at the hospital" he explains. I nod my head.
"Wow she must be pressurised to have Zac as the dad. does he know?" I ask
"No" he says shaking his head.
"Things are bound to get bumpy tomorrow" Isaac says

Brittany POV
We are waiting for the results at the moment and I squeeze Alex's hand tight. I feel for her. she's my on screen sister and tbh she feels like my real sister too.
"Ok so we have the results here. would you like to hear them?" the nurse says. I look at Alex who is green already and I gulp
"Ah yes please" I say for her
"Ok so the father of your baby is Zac Vran. Does that person ring a bell? You did say that you slept with someone but you didn't know who and the persons DNA sample matches the results from the testing we did." the nurse says and Alex immediately breathes and sighs looking at me. I smile and she lets go of my hand
"Definitely. Zacs my husband. It's lucky I slept with him since I can't imagine a life with any other person" Alex says calmly
"Yes I understand. congratulations then" the nurse says and then tells us we can leave when we are ready and heads out.

We start beside home, me driving, and Alex looks so relived. thank god this worked out alright. I don't know what we would've done. Now its my turn. Stupid birth scene!!!

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