Meet: Sam Hart Raymond- Cool, Calm and Collective

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Brittany POV
"So mike how is your work going?" my dad asks him
"Great mr raymond actually. I get on quite well and it's great having my little Sunshine around with me on set!" he replies
"That's wonderful! How about you Trev?" he asks trevor
"Yeah pretty much the same John, I have been James for so many years and it almost feels like I am actually him now. But then again it's hard having two lives with brittany- I mean we are married with 3 kids outside the show and I think on the show we are expecting 1 and we haven't even filmed the birth scene yet so it's really different." he explains
"Yeah I get where you're coming from but at least you are both together working on set- that's quite rare but popular in the tv world." My dad agrees
"Yeah very true. it's just the media though- they are just too funny sometimes; it almost feels like hey at Part of my everyday routine somedays." he says as I stand up and take a photo
"Ok everyone smile" I say as click the camera button and giggle
"Yeah see exactly like little miss who just let the bright light out of the bag" he says as I giggle with more laughter
"Yeah but Trevor you can't argue with mothers- sometimes mentored are the only thing they think they will have in life" he says glaring directly at my mother who starts laughing as much as I do
"Haha. yeah we try out hardest" Sam says laughing as well

"Red or white sam?" My mum asks her as she had the two wine bottles in her hand and offers them to my sister

Uh oh this is NOT going to turn out very well- the secret could be out in about 2 minutes at this stage

"Uh just mineral water please mum will be fine" she says and then there is complete silence. everyone drops their silverware, stops the drinking and all eyes are on sam
"I'm sorry. Are you still the Samantha Hart- Raymond I know you as?" my mum asks her
"Ah yes. as much as I am still alive I just don't feel like wine right now" Sam argues
"Oh ok--" my mum starts
"Sam?" mike interrupts
"Yes" she replies
"Are you pregnant?" he asks and the noise automatically drops to complete silence

And In 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 the bomb will drop...

"Ah what if I was?" She asks obviously nervous for his reaction
"I would be very tempted to scream and rush over and hug and kiss you and display the minimal love as we are in public for you as possible" he says as she giggles

She then stares at him as she gets up out of her seat and runs over to him and takes him out of his chair and leads him out the door. Obviously they need their time. Yep that's my sister for you.

Everyone especially the kids are sitting there absolutely clueless about what has just happened
"Is she?!" my mum asks me
"Yeah she is. do you know what she is doing out there?" I ask
"Oh wow that's wonderful! I knew though she was acting abnormal ever since she started eating irrationally at the table" my mum says completely ignoring my question
"Britt they are probably making out or doing something you probably don't even want to know or see about. just let them have their time it is pretty big news. I remember when she first found out about Chloe- she was well they both were ecstatic." my dad says

"Yeah that was a funny day." I recall those moments

"Now we have a presentation of photos that we have on a DVD for us to share with you guys from when you and Sam were little and as you grew up during the years and we are going to show it. I think the kids might like it too so If you get the two lovebirds who are still making out outside after 1 hour of missing washing up duty too and round up the kids Britt that would be great" my dad asks me
"Sure dad" I reply

I walk out the door and onto the patio where I see my sister and brother in law on the grass- asleep. wow they must've kissed themselves to sleep. Ha!
"Sam" I whisper quietly
"Sam" I whisper- shout
"Sam!" I scream loudly

She mumbles and sits up rubbing her eyes
"Yeah?" she says groaning as mine wakes up too
"You guys fell asleep and dad wanted me to wake you up cause we are watching a DVD of when we were little and how we grew up over the years to show the kids and jot our memories more" i explain
"Oh ok come on then" she says hopping up from the help of mike

We walk inside and see the entire lounge area covered with blankets, pillows and kids of course. we take a seat on the lounge and I sit next to Trevor who I cuddle up too nicely under a blanket as the movie starts

"Oh your back! where were you two anyways? What were you doing?" mum asks them
They smirk at me as then turn back to her
"Oh trust me I would rather let just the birds know to be honest. It's a thing only wise tweets would understand" my sister explains giggling while smiling at mike

Wow this DVD is going to be interesting........

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