Telling the Cast (Part 1)

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2 months later....
Brittany pov

8 weeks have passed now and we are living in an apartment that we rented out for the months we need until our new house is ready. we had home insurance on our old house and with the money from the movie, we have purchased a mansion in the middle of Toronto that, for us, was quite cheap. We are moving in to that house next week on the Saturday as we bought it straight after the fire exploded.

Victoria and isaac had a baby boy 2 months ago too who, may i add, is adorable. His full name is Blake Allain Lupien, which the middle name is from isaacs dad who played Lucien on the show. Blake reminds me of james a bit. isaac, who loves him to pieces, doesn't agree with me but just the chubby cheek bones and the fair hair and smile just seem so familiar every time i look at him. I'm sure, like Riley and Emily, will get along like brother or as Trevor an Isaac call it- 'bros' which I think is hilarious.

we are getting a 12 week scan soon for the baby which is really exciting. we only have 1 1/2 months left of shooting and luckily, my bump hasn't started to show much yet because I'm worried that on mu 14th week, I will be showing and that's when it ends. viewers will know once the baby's born, just not while we are shooting it at the moment which is good.

Today as I sit at the kitchen table with Ri next to me as we eat our toast and juice. Riley is much better now. her leg has completely healed and so has her appendix surgery. out life is finally back to the way it is but we just need a house. that's all.

I look out the window and picture what our old house's view used to look like. because we lived near a bush, it was beautiful, native trees everywhere and birds chirping as they woke us up. Such a noisy alarm as Trevor called it.

My imagination is blocked by a tower line of neighbouring apartment buildings and skylines crowding the sky. it's such a shame our old house had to go. I loved it there. So did Riley, James and Emma. they grew up there and now this new baby won't. instead it will grow up in the new house. the kids don't know exactly what happened but I'm sure Riley has some certainty that we were moving houses. she's not the young dumb blonde she looks.

Trevor and James come down through the hallway as well as Emma who is in Trevor's arms. Trevor comes over, giving me a quick peck on the lips before sitting Emma in her high chair and getting James and himself some breakfast. he is such a good dad. no one is better then him.

My thoughts are drifted away from my food, away from the children but to my churning stomach which feels like its going to throw up. I race to the bathroom just in time and Trevor comes in after looking after me and handing me a glass of water and my toothbrush.
"Forgot the negatives of mornings. looks like the next 5 months will be a handful trev" I say standing up
"All worth it in the end babe" he says as he helps me up and kisses me again
"Come on let's go back. are we telling the say today?" he asks me
"Yeah, of course Im so excited. I can't believe they still don't know" I say smiling as Trevor chuckles
"Yeah it's weird huh?" he says to me as we walk out to our kitchen. I stop him as we reach the corner and I peek around seeing James, Riley ad Emma sitting at the table together eating.
Riley was helping James out the jam on his toast and James was helping Emma pour her milk. but Emma wasn't pouring, she was just watching and smiling. I take out my phone and take a photo quickly of them before James scoops his arms around me and pecks my neck.
"Aren't they adorable?" he says smiling like me
I nod before we walk out together to them all.
"Right kids. finish off your breakfast. we are seeing everyone on set today, as we need to tell them about the baby. we are working from 10 as well so you guys will be out into your room again for today" I say walking into the room
"Ok mummy. will Maddie be there?" James asks
"Yes of course darling why?"
"A little time with my girl would be nice that's all" he tells me and I giggle and Trevor just laughs like crazy.
"Come in little guy. lets go and tell everyone our little family secret shall we?" Trevor says as he grabs riley and James's hand and leads them out to our car which is parked underground. I clean the kitchen up quickly before picking up Emma and making my own way out as well.

"Ok. Let's go" Trevor says as we arrive at the set and we walk up the stairs of the studio A area.
"Hey guys" Alex says as we walk in.
'Hi!!" Riley says running over to Emily
"Hello." I say as me and Trevor make our way around greeting everyone who is already here.
Once we are all settled we all sit down and we start chatting.
I look at Trevor and nod, indicating that I'm going to tell them now and he nods back smiling

"Ok. we have something to say" I start, standing up and looking at everyone

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