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Brittany pov
It's now 6:30 and like usual, the cast came over for lunch and just left. it was a six hour lunch and now after all the mess had been cleared just is 5 +1 settled down for just a nice evening. this week was the very last week on set where we were just filming white walls. I remember shooting them for the show but now it's different.

After this we have still got interviews, talk shows, promos, photo shoots, editing, commercial shooting, extras, behind the scenes for DVD, dance along extended version and more to film and participate in before the premiere next February. Alex, if she takes the role, is leaving in march so should be able to do everything. it's now September so we still have a while. my baby is due in January and hers is December so we are nearly there that's why filming the extras and the promos to shoot will be hard to shoot for me. I will just have to watch obviously- so will Alex. however jennie will just shot hers early as she is still early days.

I start preparing the dinner which tonight is lasagne but half way through it the electricity just switches off. I hear screams and squeals coming from the kids room and as its 6:30, it's pretty dark so it's understandable. I quickly take the food off the stove placing the raw dinner on the bench and taking my torch from the cupboard above the fridge, I go searching for my family. up the stairs and eventually finding them all. Trevor has a torch too and managed to get Emma who was in the lounge room upstairs with her toys and I managed to get James and riles who were watching tv, hence the screams.
"Trevor babe what do we do? we have nothing to do, no food, no light" I say and he looks at me trying to think
"Is the entire city out of power Britt?"
"No. I just checked my phone before; must've been a power outage" he nods
"Ok I'll call an electricians. lets go out for dinner though while he fixes it; it's a nice night. maybe we could go the beach or see the city lights for a bit" he suggests
"Sure. why not? but the kids are in their pjs." I say laughing as Trevor gives me Emma and scoops Ri and James with his two hands! carrying them both to their rooms
"Come on you two" he says as they squeal with laughter as they go to get dressed
I turn to Emma "you wanna get dressed too?" I pretend she nods as she's only 11 months 3 weeks old. her birthday is this Sunday, same day as the wedding which is the day after the TNS wrap party and the day before the camping trip Lamar and jennie wanted us to go on

I carry em upstairs and get her changed while I just add a bit more makeup and fix my hair up. I also change shoes and grab a jacket in case it gets cold
"Ready?" Trevor asks as we come down the stairs all dressed. turns out maternity jumpsuits are prefer for this weather
Trevor holds Emma, taking her out to the car while we follow him, getting in the car afterwards
"Where are we going daddy?"
"It's called Bits and Pieces. its a Pizza restaurant beautiful" he replies
I giggle "haha I get that" I say and he smiles
"Did you call the electrician hun?" he nods and keeps driving until we eventually arrive at the restaurant

We walk in, ordering a medium margarita pizza for the kids and a large meat lovers for Trevor and I with Trevor Claiming that out of the 8 pieces that are in it, he will eat 5. Pretty impressive but i told him to not make himself sick
After the pizza restaurant, we made our way to the beach and at night it's gorgeous with the moon reflecting against the water. we brought towels with us so we place a now sleeping Emma on the towel above the soft sand. the kids are running around playing with each other while me and Trevor and cuddling up together but on a different towel next to Emma's. This is a private beach thank god so we have no screaming fans and no paparazzi which we've had all night except Trevor told them just as we wee leaving the restaurant that he heard that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux had split so that immediately got the cameras off that and thy were racing down to L.A just to see some fake news.

Oops. Sorry Jen

"Yeah babe?"
"What do you think is the best part of having kids?"
"Well I love waking up and seeing their faces every morning. it's just the light to my day. I've always loved kids and I work with them all the time and ever since I was 17,18 I knew that I wanted kids and that I had just fell in love with the idea of having kids would be a dream come true" he says and I'm almost crying its such a nice comment
"That's amazing how you think that" I say turning my eyes away from the water and up at his. he suddenly leans in and before I know it I'm kissing him passionately like its our first kiss. its such a soft kiss though I love it. this makes me smile and it does to him too. we're lucky the kids didn't see it though because they'd be complaining for weeks about it.
"You wanna know what I think the best part of having kids are?"
"Of course"
"Having them with you" I admit and he smiles now as we kiss again and again until we feel this giggle and a cute little voice whisper.
"Jamesssss. they're at it. AGAIN" this makes me giggle more and more. and I know now what Trevor means.

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