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Trevor pov
"Ok so 2 minutes left guys. last few until the game is over" I tell zac who is on 3 still, Victoria who is on 6, myles who is on 6 as well and Logan who is on 4 through my headset.
"Who's winning babe?" Britt asks
"Well vic and myles are tying on 6 so it's down to Logan and zac. but by the way zac is asking them; I think Logan will beat him" she nods
"It's funny cause I thought all the way that zac was going to win this but he lost" jennie says and I nod going back to my headpiece
"30 seconds"
Everyone over here who is sitting in front of the table, starts moving to the finish line tape. We see Victoria come running through and Isaac immediately goes and gives her a hug and a kiss
"Well done gorgeous. smashed it out there"
"I did? I even got someone's number; the one who wasn't gay" she says and I laugh at Isaacs expression
Zac comes running in and just collapses on the floor just as I see Isaac take the number on the piece of paper and shred it to bits on the floor. I laugh and so does Brittany.
"Ok now we're just waiting ok Logan and myles. I'm sorry guys but we can't announce anything to you yet" I say to everyone
Just then Logan and myles start jogging in all puffed. myles is immediately hugged and kissed by Briar and then they sit down with everyone else as they await the scores.
"I know I didn't do well" zac says and I laugh. I nod at taveeta who was starting with Logan
"Ok so results. Logan your final score was 4 people great job"
"Victoria your end result was 6!! Congratulations" Jordan says and we clap for her
"Ok myles bro your final result was also 6. You smashed it man" lamar says and we clap for him as well
"And finally zac. bro you got 3." Trevor says and there's oooooo's around the room as everyone applauds zac and Victoria before we make our own ways home.

Zac is going to be a very cold man on Monday. yep that's right- in front of the entire cast he is doing the ice bucket challenge.

Brittany pov
We arrive home and it immediately starts to rain. Trevor and James quickly race outside taking all the kids good toys out of the rain before running back inside luckily not too wet at all as its only sprinkles. I check the forecast and this afternoon from 3:00 onwards is supposed to be heavy rain am thunderstorms. looks like its movie night tonight Tordjman family.
"What a day." I say sitting down on the couch exhausted
"I know but it was pretty funny you have to admit" Trevor says as he shuts all the doors allowing no rain to get in. the kids are upstairs playing and Emma is fast asleep in her room for her afternoon nap. surprisingly she crashed while we were at the mall so we just carefully put her back to sleep here.
"It was pretty funny. you did a great judging job though babe" I say giving him a kiss as he sits down next to me
"Thank you. it was fun. next time we do something like that though we need to film it and upload it because the fans would love to see it"
"Well I was thinking about watching a family movie tonight; maybe we could take a pic then and upload it" I suggest and Trevor smiles
"I'll get the kids"
"Not now!!! is it night time yet?"
"No"I laugh giving him another hug
"I love you so much" kissing him again
"Like I love you" he says kissing back
"And you" he says kissing my stomach. I giggle as it tickles before going back to kissing Trevor
"It know we could continue this more" he suggests
"Later Trevor. later"
He chuckles "ok"

~~~~~5 hours later (7 pm) *********
"Ok kids movie time" I call out.
"You kids choose a movie while mummy puts em to bed and daddy makes some popcorn" I quietly scream
"Ok mummy" Ri shouts an I can hear whispering and giggling coming from downstairs. I can also hear the popping of popcorn
I finish with Emma, stopping by the linen cupboard as I'm upstairs before returning downstairs with 4 blankets
"Are you right there babe?"
"Yeah there's only 4"
"Ok well at least they're light otherwise you wouldn't be carrying them"
I chuckle before handing them their blankets and snuggling down next to Trevor and a popcorn bowl
Riley switches off the lights as Trevor presses play

"Toy story 5?" I ask
"Yes mummy and you have to be quiet remember? no kissing ok?" Riley says and me and Trevor burst out laughing
"We'll try sweetie" Trevor says I smile
The movie continues on and on. Toy Story 7 has just come out and he kids have already seen it but they lie watching the old ones. I remember there was Toy Story 1 and Riley just loves it because it places her in my position when I was a kid. when T.S 1 came out I was around her age if not older- that's probably why.

I decide to as the movie is close to ending take a self of us four on the couch with popcorn. we have to pause the movie and turn on the lights as the photo wouldn't be as good
I, as Trevor wanted me to, upload it to Instagram with a caption {Rainy nights are just meant for movies} #ToyStory5 #WeHaveKissedOnlyOnce

Trevor smiles as he leans over my shoulder just as I'm about to send it. he kisses me again though and i smirk returning to my phone

#WeHaveOnlyKissedTwice ;)

The Next Step: 6 Years Onजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें