And Scene

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Victoria pov
As the days go past and the movie scenes drift by our faces like small specks of dust, we all prepare for the big and dreading last day we have been prepared for over the past weeks. Its pretty daunting that here we are now, the very last white wall scenes we are shooting, the wry last time we will wear this costume, very last time we may all be in the same room together filming one scene.

"Ready to go?" Isaac says giving me a side hug
"Mmmmm" is all I manage to let out. he just weakly smiles at me
"You ok hun?"
"Yeah I'm just upset that its the last day. this movie has been so much fun" I admit and he smiles again
"It's has hasn't it. but our cast and crew are different to most we live practically one door down from each other and are seeing each other all the time. it's not like we won't see everyone again. we will but just not as much" he says and I look up at him and kiss him
"I love you so much you know that?" I tell him and he gives me another hug
"Yeah and I love you even more" he says making me smile

"Ok lets go!! last scenes today everyone- we have three to shoot. jiley- this one is when riley is around 6 months so its perfect for brittany, we also have one just michelle wnd eldon as that ones on their wedding day meaning you two will have yet another wedding today again. we also have a whole group cast one but we'll do it at the end" frank starts

"so lets get started. everyone got cowtumes on, lines read, waterproof makeup on?" we all laugh as Brittany and Trevor make their way in their costumes to the white wall and to start filming while everyone else chills for a while.
"I know today is going to be really hard but we can do this guys. be strong" he calls out

Brittany pov
After me and Trevor have done our final jiley one suit which ended with us kissing, Victoria and Isaac came out again in their wedding outfits and started the white walls. soon after it was lunch and we had a break before we had to shoot the final white wall. the last one. the last thing as a cast that we would ever shoot that was in the actual movie. The scene was of all of us; all in different groups mainly in our respective partners, spending time laughing all at once as then all of a sudden we all start disappearing. one by one until all that is left is Emily. this is done by special effects of course though
"And scene" he says almost mid tone and not directory like at all. the environment and mood just drops all of a sudden as everyone comes to the realisation that its over. that was it. its finished. done.

I immediately race over to Trevor giving him a side hug and we kiss for a few seconds or maybe even minute before we decide to go and see the others. I hug mainly everyone and eventually at the second person In hugging, jennie, I break into tears. I can't do it. Its too hard to handle. we say thank you to he directors and producers but most of us all just take our kids and go home. for such a strong cast and crew like we are; it's really hard to do this type of stuff. To say goodbye to people we've known for almost 20 years. we know we'll see each other again though and that's what makes it easier for us.

The kids just tonight are staying at my mum and dads place as tomorrow is the wrap party for TNS. the kids aren't coming because it would be too noisy and crowded for them and really they don't need to be there. the party is in the afternoon starting at 1:00 at set on studio a so even though its not at night, the kids aren't invited. then Sunday is Emma's birthday; she's turning one and also James and Maddies post posted wedding. then next week we are camping for 7 days. what a life we live.

Alexandra pov
It's now 10pm and the kids are at mums place so it's just me and zac. we've had our alone time fun for the night ending up with us being completed naked next to each other and zac kissing my bump lightly every now and then. it's cute and I love it as it puts me to sleep because at the moment is what I need. but I have to do something incredibly important that I couldn't even face up to to doing today. I quickly get up from the bed, getting dressed,telling zac to do the same, and take my phone into the living room.
"Alex what are you doing?" He says as we sit down on the couch.
"You'll see. Have your phone with you?"
"Yeah it's in the kitchen"
"Go get it. I wanna make a group call with all of the cast"
"You'll find out soon."i say as he sits back down with his phone. I dial up Brittany's number and then start adding the say one by one
"Hey guys" I say actually nervous.
I hear responses from them all and then figure I need to talk.
"So I just called to let you all know on my decision." I start by saying really nervously
"Ok. But Alex just letting you know that we all understand your situation and you're puzzle that you're in the middle of and we're all here for you" Britt says and I smile "thanks Britt but I've decided to take the job" I start there's silence at first but then Britt speaks again

"Thats.......thats great Alex" she says slowly. And almost upsettingly

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