Ho Ho Ho ❤ (Part 3)

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Victoria POV
"Maddie. hon. oh dear god. Isaac can you put a napkin down on her lap so she doesn't get gravy all down her dress?" I scream across the table to Isaac who is sitting next to Maddie

"Yeah sure thing. wow this dinner sure looks good" he replys
"Yeah it does"
"Ok everyone can I have your attention please?" brittany and Trevor say standing at the head of the table with their wine glasses raised.

"We would like to propose a toast." trevor says
"This year has been an eventful year. starting off with a trip to the down under, a surprise the next step reunion movie for our fans as well as some horrible news, some sad news and alot of good news. However this year wouldn't of been as good as it was without you guys. our friends, our newly found relatives, out family.

From the bottom of the tordjmans hearts this Christmas we would like to thank you all for coming today and we wish you all a merry christmas and a happy 2026. Merry Christmas everyone!" brittany says sweetly as everyone raises their glasses filled with champagne or wine and takes a sip except for me and cracks their bon bons with the person next to them.


After dinner and all of the plastic paper hats have been ripped, the apple pie and custard had been demolished and all the turkey and wine had been devoured we all decided to sit and chat in the living room for a bit until we would eventually start to forward out.

"Thankyou guys so much for having us it was such a great day" I say as we take maddie and leave
"A pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it we'll talk soon yeah?" Britt asks
"Of course hon. see you later" I reply before shutting their door and heading to the car with maddies hand intertwined with mine. I strap her in hit the passenger seat.

Brittany POV
"Wow that was the best day. I thought after having Emma it was going to be hectic but it was so much fun" I say as I sit down next to Trevor exhausted on the couch
"Yeah I know but you did a great job. it was so good to catch up with them all again" he replies
"Yeah. yeah it was. hey Trev? I've been thinking why don't we go on another holiday somewhere but his one with Emma?" I ask him
"Yeah that sounds nice. maybe somewhere tropical. Fiji or Hawaii maybe?" he suggests
"Yes definitely Hawaii!" I agree
"Ok we'll start planning throughout the next few weeks and then we'll book it" he says
"Oooh this is exciting! I can't wait! maybe during the summer though cause I want to go swimming!" I tell him
"Definitely babe. that's without comment. maybe the others can come with us? have a big reunion thingy in Hawaii? before Victoria has her baby and after filming for the movie?" he asks
"Sure thing. sounds good. I love you you know that?" I tell him just like Riley did at nationals in season 2
Trevor plays along and looks into my eyes and kisses me just like James did. it's funny cause he gets me so well
"What's so---" I cut him off by another kiss
"James we won the round! ahhh that's so amazing" I say hoping he'd catch on he is a bit of a slow learner
"Yeah I'm so proud of you riles " he said
"I love you, you know that?" I repeat again
And once again he leans in and kisses me again
"Perfect! cut. nice one jiley" I yell pretending to be frank
Trevor and I just giggle and keep chatting until the Christmas movie: national lampoons vacation comes on and we turn it on snuggled against each other
"Oh I love this movie!" trevor says
"Really!!?" I ask
"Yes! my family used to watch it every Christmas." he replys kissing y head
"Wow. I don't think I have watched it before"
"Really? well it hilarious!" he says

I climb into bed absolutely exhausted after today. I can barely love anymore muscles after what I did
"Thanks for your help today babe" I say
"No problem hon. you couldn't of done it on your own!" Trevor replies
"Yeah true. boy don't you love that picture?" I ask looking at the one Isaac gave me
"Yes. I love it. It was the Christmas Day kiss after our wedding. magical. that day was. truly magical" he says
"Yeah. I remember it like it was yesterday" I say
"Goodnight Britt." he says turning off his bedside lamp.
"Goodnight trevor" I reply
"Merry Christmas" we both say at the same time

And that night I go to bed dreaming. dreaming of magical fairy tales of my wonderful family and the loving friends I have and how lucky I am to have them. I could never have been more fortunate to find these guys. my friends. my newly found relatives, my family.

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