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Alexandra POV
"Hi everyone. ah my name is Brittany Tordjman and I as the maid of honour are assigned to give a speech about these two and their fancy wedding. I'd first like to say how proud I am that these two are here. Marriage is a big thing and requires commitment and a lot of love to do so.

I've known these two love birds for nearly 11 years. Zac 10 since he started tns a year after. I was always very close to alex as we play sisters on screen and to be honest I feel as if you are my sister on screen as well.

Alex you have always been the most supportive, helpful, funny and generous type of person. You are a friend that I can talk absolutely anything to. I trust you with all my heart and I wish you all the best with Zac as they continue their future together.

Zac on the other hand has always been the frenemy to me. We have always been very good friends and we trevor and i are just so close to you guys its unbelievable. Zac you are such an easy going and generous man and you are so lucky to have found alex that early in your life.

Ever since you guys first went out, I knew it was love at first sight. Yep that's right- I was the first official Zalex fan and I would never deny it. They were perfect for each other. Every time we would meet up with them, they would be snuggling up to each other or just looking like thy were having the time of their lives together.

When Zac proposed. Boy. I think I might've been more happier than they were. It was honestly just true coupling and love and I just couldn't be more happier for them.

I speak on behalf of every here when I say this but I have known you two more than what has felt like my entire life and every single minute of the day that I spend with you just is the best. I could never be more Thankful or grateful to have you both in my life and I can't express my gratitude and generosity towards you to any more because you have set my limits and my expectations and you have raised them so high that it can't go any further.

Finally these two good friends of mine are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget. i love you both, this wedding is amazing and I am so proud of you. I jut can't wait to see what the future holds for you. So I'd like to propose a toast to the best, most loving couple I have ever seen. To alex and zac everyone. Thankyou" Britt concludes as she steps off the stage with everyone standing and cheering her speech. she gives trevor a quick peck on the lips before going and sitting down and listening to Trevor who was the best man's speech

"Hi everyone. my name is trevor Tordjman and I have 'been assigned as best man to give a speech' tonight" trevor begins bringing his fingers above his ears pretending to quote exactly what Britt says. everyone laughs and Trev smirks while looking at Britt who is blushing and rolling her eyes and then he continues

"I am very fortunate to be standing up here tonight as to be honest with you all I don't know why I was chosen to be best man. I mean with all my good looks, hair and don't forget the parenthood. I just really don't know why?" he says sarcastically as everyone laughs again- including Britt

"Throughout the time I have know Zac and Alexandra I have been extremely fortunate. Not only have they brought great laughs to the table and their love for acting and dancing but their flirtatious glances at one another and their kind and extremely passionate make out sessions at rehearsals when we shoot scenes that aren't even huntemily" he states as everyone starts to laugh again. I blush a little but continue giggling

"Anyways can you see my point? These two are just not right for each other" he says sarcastically again. everyone just keeps on laughing

"These guys I swear to god are just the second best couple. they are the new Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella and Prince Charming and Brittany and Trevor Tordjman. Do you want to know why? Good looks + Brains = love. do you want to guess who? Alex plus Alex equals Alex. ha ha no I'm just kidding bro you're the brains." he continues as everyone just laughs so hard this time especially at the 'new trevor and Brittany Tordjman part.' that was pretty funny.

"Alex. hmm what can I say about you? Let me think. oh yeah. Well you're definitely the most ugliest, smelliest, most disgusting person I have ever met. yeah don't even let me mention that dress and Zac- my man. Your dancing is terrible and that head slide gives me a migraine. Like seriously how did you guys even end up together? oh yeah that's right cause you have the good looks an brains" he says again sarcastically as everyone laughs kneeing he's joking

"I think my favourite moment with these half of hearts would be when i went to out with them and Britt. Remember that guys? oh it was the funniest time. We ah all went to the Nursing home down the road from where we lived and helped the oldies play bingo. and we were all in our early stages of dating with our respective partners.

We walked into the doors and we had to wash our hands. We tried so many times but the dispenser at the front desk wasn't working properly so we literally spent 2 hours which was half our morning trying to firstly get the damn thing to work and secondly go and get a man to help us and fix the machine. Finally we got it working and were lead into a room with about 10-15 elderly men and women. we were instructed that we had to play bingo with them and just help them get the numbers right. as most of them had dementia it was hard for them to remember the numbers thy and put down and could easily get so confused with the game.

Anyways. It got to about the 5th round and the man next to Alex sneezed and everyone except us ddidn't hear it and ignored it. by of course we all looked at him and made sure he was ok. Turns out when he sneezed his false teeth came out and into the desk. it was just the funniest thing I have ever seen. to make it worse the man couldn't see where they had landed so he asked Alex to find them and our then in his mouth. Oh my gosh I was nearly crying so hard I was laughing so much.

In the end the trip was so much fun and all the moments I have had with these guys have been extremely hilarious and just great times. I am so so proud of you Both and I know that wherever the future decides to take you, your lives with roll into the new pastry dough and form and brand new lifestyle suitable for you both. I wish you all the best of luck and I thank you guys for Brit the best and supportive type of friends any guy could ever have come across. Congrats guys. Cheers to an amazing couple and to an amazing wedding" he says finishing and raising his drink to the crowd.

Everyone cheers and claps as he makes his way off the stage while smiling at Zac and I before going and returning Brits kiss from earlier and sitting down next to her.

After that was the cake and the first dance. I was so excited. I loved weddings and going to one always lifted my day and my mood. but being at your own one is just even better.

It's almost impossible. It's a sweet tasting dessert. It's magic. that's never been experience before.

The Next Step: 6 Years OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora