Back Stage Drama

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Victoria POV
Today we arrive on set and the atmosphere is really different. even though we all had a break over Christmas, we weren't adjusting to life back with cameras in our faces. it was definitely good to see everyone back again. Britt and Trevor were coming for the first time today too with Emma and Riley as well as James. they along with Emily and Maddie will go back to their little play area while we shoot some scenes

Today we are shooting the scene where Riley goes into labour. that's part 1 and part 2 we will film over the next couple of days. I know brittany is really nervous though cause she has just come from giving birth herself and ha to wear that fake belly and I know she hates that!! but I don't blame her it's so uncomfortable. she has just come out of a pregnancy herself so imagine what it would feel like!
Uncontrollable but I know with Trevor's help they will get through it.

"Ok so we have arranged two different sets today. one where there will be the studio where Riley starts to go into labour and the second set which is the hospital. We need everyone at the studio a set first with everyone in the 'dance c' choreography routine starting position except Riley who is sitting on the bench watching. Questions?" franks announces

"Yeah what's the plot synopsis for the scenes we are shooting today?" Lamar asks
"Ok so a full wrap up. today we should get up to the end of part 1. Everyone is dancing while Riley is watching. Emily says take 5 and everyone has a drink except James who goes and sits with riley. Script goes from there. pretty much until Riley's in labour" frank says
Everyone nods

"Speaking of Riley where are those two or should I say newly 5?" He asks madly
Suddenly thy all burst through the door and the babysitters immediately take the kids away while Britt and Trevor come and say hello.

"Hi britt and Trevor! we have just run over plot synopsis. about to get everyone hair and make up done though. come with Britt?" I ask. she nods as we walk to hair and make up

"So girly what's up?" she asks as we walk
"Well started having morning sickness this morning. oh it sucks! I just wish it was like Maddies pregnancy duration. Maddie wasn't as bad. that's what makes me think it is a boy" I say
"Yeah probably is. I felt different with James. have you told everyone yet?" She asks
"No" I reply
"Ok well we are how" she says pulling he phone out and onto instagram then twitter and posts with a picture of a shocked emoji 😱 but larger

"My face when I find that there will be #2 of a Micheleldon baby. priceless. congrats guys x
@vicbalde @isaaclupien #micheldon #impatient #ithinkitsaboy'

As I lean over her shoulder as she posts it on both social media apps, I smile and giggle giving her a hug.
"You're the best you know that right but since we are all in hair and make up that means everyone will have their phones out. that means that they will see the notification. that means that they will see----" but I didn't finish cause I was surrounded by tonnes of my cast mates and crew members congratulating me even though I was in the process of hair and make up

"Another one? you guys why didn't you tell us earlier? how far?" Jordan says smiling from ear to ear. Isaac come Dover and goes me a kiss on the cheek and puts his arm around me.
"Well as long as when Emma was born cause I took the test in the hospital" I announced
They all looked as me like I was mad
"Yeah morning sickness is just so bad" I added
Then came more hugs

"Ok guys get out now. let's leave this poor girl with just Brittany for a while" frank says and I smile and wave goodbye to everyone
"So Britt. are you nervous?" I ask her
"Yes dear god don't even mention the fake stomach that jut makes it worse" she says. I laugh but stop when she gives me that post-pregnancy type glare. wait shouldn't I be the one glaring at her?

"Ok ok but it's all good girl at least you're having a child with your on screen and off screen husband. me and eldon on the movie are engaged/not married yet which is really hard on us" I tell her
"Yeah I understand. but hey at least you're together!" She says smiling
"True! Trevor will be good though so will James. the character not your son" I say giggling
"Haha of course. otherwise I give you permission to let out your pregnancy power" she says giggling even more
"Ok will do. boy will I be giving him a piece of me!" I say jokingly
"Haha you're really bad at acting in this situation vic you know I know you're joking.
"Yeah what the hell. lets just go rehearse!" I say as we laugh again and make our way back to the rehearsal room

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