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Victoria POV
It's like 11:00 at night right now, we are all pretty much ready for bed but all the adults cannot stop thinking about Trittany. We are worried about them leaving this late to go and have a baby. The hospital is around 20 minutes away from site and driving that far and I know it's lot long but driving that far at 11 at night is pretty risky- especially when you have a baby with you.

All of a sudden we hear this light rain pour down on he tent above us and I usher Isaac quickly telling him to grab the kids and to rush to Brittany and Trevor's tent as their kids are in their. Soon enough once we get there, everyone is there. Luckily it's a big tent so we can all fit in together. I zip up all of the sides as we all snuggle into the main room together with blankets and pillows we all brought with us. This tent is like a survival tent so we put the kids to bed in the different rooms they own in this huge tent and we end up playing a board game inside the tent.

Trevor POV
We are driving up to the hospital now as Britt is in labour. I am frantically stressing and she is groaning "Trevor please please please hurry up" every two minutes as her contractions are really close.
We are also the thinking of possible baby names while we're at it which is good because it's sorted calming her down a bit while we are on the twisty part.
"What about if it's a girl and a girl Bella and Claire and if it's a boy and a boy Joshua and Luke. Were they the names Britt? And if it's a girl and a boy it's Bella and Luke?"
"Yep. Yeah that's good Trevor. Thinking about that when are we going to tell them it's twins? I don't really want to let them find out when they see them." She explains and I nod
"Ok let's just do it the next time they call or we talk to them" I suggest and she nods
"Ok then" she whispers

Victoria POV
"Yeah" everyone agrees as we all choose teams. Myles and briar aren't here tonight as they're on their 'post engagement' celebration so it's just the rest of us. We decide to go in pairs as everyone choose their colour counter. Me and Isaac are purple which is good cause that's my favourite colour. Perfect. This game is full of luck.
"Ok who's first?"
"Us!!" Jennie and Lamar call out and I pretend to pout
"But I wanna go first!" I whisper shout and everyone laughs. I'm surprised the kris are still asleep from this. We're really noisy.
"Ok Jennie and Lamar, we are all going to choose who goes first" Alex says
"No. Let's just ring Brittany and Trevor. They will just choose between us." Jennie says and I contemplate the thought in my mind. That wouldn't be a good idea. They're about to have a baby and on top of that they are driving in pitch back at 11:00 at night. But before I could say a anything the line was already ringing.
"Hello?" What sounds like a flustered Trevor on the phone.
"Hey trev is me" Jennie says into her phone. I sigh deeply as Isaac places an arm around me, knowing what I'm stressing about
"Oh hey.......Jennie. Britt just hold on sweetie. We're nearly there" he says on the phone and I hear Britt groan making me giggle a little
"You're nearly there?" Lamar yells so that Trevor can hear him
"Oh hey bro and No. We're at the turn off Now" he says and I smile, knowing they're out of the twisty bit. Thank god.
"Oh cool. Hey Trev can we ask you something?"
"Yeah. Oh shoot. That was the entrance. Looks like the hospital is going to a bit further now babe" he says quietly and I chuckles again as I hear Britt groan again hit this time much louder
"It's ok Britt. You'll be fine. Hey is  raining? I can hear it!" He says and Isaac laughs
"Yeah bro we're all in your tent"
"Everyone?" He clarifies
"Hahaha. That's fine. All good. Ours
Is the biggest too so it makes sense" he says and I sigh a big sigh of relief.
"Yeah so anyways we wanted to ask what team you think should go first. We're playing monopoly" Lamar asks
"Definitely Alex and zac." He says
"Oh they're not together. They're on separate teams"
"Oh then. You and Jennie. For sure"
"Ok thanks bro. Bye good luck"
"Ok. Thank you. Oh I just wanted to tell you also s-----"
And then line goes dead.

The room goes into complete silence.

No one is talking.

No one doesn't know what to do.

"Oh my god" Alex says after two minutes. We all just start staring into space, not knowing what to do.

Jennie picks up her phone.
"Hi my name is Jennifer Pappas, we're staying at Riverside Camping Grounds at the moment and my friends thy are having a baby right now" she starts and then bursts into tears but keeps going
"We.....were....talking to them via......loudspeaker......then they just cut off....." She explains and Lamar stands up and comforts her.

The rest of the cast just sit there. I'm utter shock.

"Ok thank you so much......bye" she says before hanging up and completely bursting into now loud cries

I don't know what to do. Nobody knows what to do. All we know is that Brittany and Trevor were on the verge of saying something, knowing trittany, huge and that they are somewhere out there. With a baby on the way.

All we know is that they may be dead.

The Next Step: 6 Years OnHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin