Surprises, falls and just hilarious stories..

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Victoria POV
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys since I fell asleep" I tell trevor, Britt and Isaac. they all just glare at me like they are saying: Come on tell us we can't wait until Christmas!
"I'm pregnant" I say quite confidently
It's silence for a while before Britt starts crying and Isaac is on the ground after just fainting. trevor however is deciding who to comfort

"Congratulations Vic. that's amazing!" I hear sputter out of brittany lips while she is crying I guess happy tears
"Thanks. are you ok?" I ask
"Yeah I'm fine. it the post pregnancy hormones. they are just the worst. one minute you're crying and the next you couldn't be happier."
"Haha yeah I know they are the worst but morning sickness is worser" I say
"Cant agree more. but congrats victoria and to your husband too when he wakes up." trevor says chuckling
"hey what do you know about morning sickness?" Britt asks him while wiping away her tears and being cheerful again.
"Ha! well I sort of meant that I couldn't agree more about you suffering from morning sickeness; and the pain you experience trying to take some sympathy for you" trevor says smirking
"Oh stop it, you tease" Britt says smiling and then kissing Trev on the lips shorty by roughly.
I just stand there comfortably but awkwardly, before helping Isaac stand cause he has woken up

"Are you ok babe?" I ask him as he takes my hand and I lead him over to a chair
"Yeah man you kind of fainted for a moment then" Trevor says
"Yeah. what happened." He asks confused
"Well I was in the process of telling you that I am pregnant but you fell to the ground" I inform him
"You're pregnant?"he asks me
"Yeah" I reply before smiling and leaning in to kiss him.
"That's like the best news I've heard all day!!" Isaac says.
" I like invisible or is this baby like camouflaged or something cause as far as about 10 minutes ago you were calling Emma adorable and cute. are you sure that wasn't the best thing you saw today?" Britt said sarcastically
"Oh yeah I forgot about her. sorry. I fainted what else can I do?" Isaac says before leaning in to kiss me again.
"I understand. babe? can you go and get the kids from your parents house cause I'm sure they'd like to see the new addition. I just want kids only though- the family members can come after and then the cast of tns but no one else ok?" Britt says to trevor

"Oh Britt we can go and get them. Maddie is there too and we were on our way to get her before." I pipe up
"Oh really are you sure?" she replies
"Yeah of course. I think you guys need some time alone with Emma too so we will leave you for a bit. come on Isaac. lets go. we'll see you guys in about 25 minutes to half an hour. babe come on hurry up you can get a drink later" I scream to Isaac as we wave goodbye to Trevor and Brittany to go and get the kids. we stop for like 5 seconds at the vending Machine for isaac who is thirsty but I said he can't have anything cause he is grown and mature now and we really need to go.

Brittany POV
We was to vic and Isaac before Trevor goes and takes Emma out of her nursery bed/hospital crib and places her on my lap looking down at me and Emma smiling
"You know I am so proud of you" he says
"Really? thankyou. I'm proud of me too. but seriously I'm only one half. you made half of this beauty" I tell him
"Yeah. I guess so. but I will give you two quarters of my half just because...." he says pecking my cheek. I didn't have the spirit and the energy to fight back so I just smiled and looked down at her
"What do you think Riley will think of her?" I ask him
"More than any words can describe. I remember very night at the dinner table before she ate her meal and before she went to bed she would pray to have a baby girl. She is going to love Emma probably more than James." he whispers
"Yeah you're probably right. although I can see them in the future when Riley is 9, James is 6 and Emma is 3 and they are all playing outside; mucking around like they all do and James and Riley helping Emma push on the swing or get on to the trampoline. just those little moments make me teary, make me just wanna cringe inside for more of that cuteness. these guys, apart from you of course, are my everything and always will be" I say now on the verge of tears

Trevor looks me deeply in the eye before smashing his lips against mine several times until we break apart.
"I love you" he says
"I love you way more" i reply smiling joyously and happily
He kisses me constantly several more times afterwards before it turns heavy and I decide to stop.
"What?! why!?" trevor asks
"Trevor. I just had a baby. I would really hate for the day to come when my 4th baby asks me how he/she was conceived and my answer would be as soon as Emma was born. I mean they would be scarred for life. Maybe just wait a few more months and we'll see if baby number 4 is even on the list" I say calmly but collectively

"Ha ha ok babe. sure thing. you will never guess how I was conceived though" he said
"Oh trevor I don't even want to know"
"Oh trust me you do. so my parents were on a scouting trip down at the back of Alaska and they had been camping for a few days and had know each other and had been going out for about a year or so, having done it before. they need up............"

Trevor continued on with the story but I didn't really pay any attention to him. I knew how he was conceived. his mum had told me. he just didn't know that so I had to pretend I didn't know.

But oh dear god if you heard that story, you actually WOULD be scarred for life, not wanting to see Trevor's parents again but trust me. trevor and I has done worse. and trust me again you do not want to hear that story.

A/N Ok I have made a deal:
I will keep updating to chapter 70 and if I get 20K reads- I will continue with my book.

Sound like a plan??

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