Hospital Food and Old Times

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Trevor POV
I wake up suddenly in the arms of Britts as we snuggle into the spare hospital bed they gave us. I quietly kiss britts cheeks but she doesn't wake up so I carefully slide myself out if the bed and out of the room. I text Britt that I am getting us brekkie so when she wakes up she doesn't get startled and doesnt worry where I am.
I walk down to the cafeteria and order two ham and cheese croissants and two coffees for Britt and I. Riley gets the hospital food. then my phone rings
"Hi trev. it's mum"
"Oh hi what wrong?" I ask her suddenly concerned
"Nothing. just wanted to see if everything's ok"
"Oh yeah Britt and ri are still sleeping and I slid out to get some breakfast for Britt and I. I'm waiting for it now. ri got her appendix out last night after the specialist came in and she got told that she needed alot of rest last night hence why shes still asleep" I spill the news at once
"Oh the poor darling. well everything's going ok here. James woke up about an hour ago and had breakfast with your dad and I and then we heard crying and Emma was awake so now we are just all chilling, dressed and everything" she says
"Mum it's like 8:30"
"Yeah well they woke up pretty early. it's a quick start when you live with us"
"True. I remember our school mornings when I was little. always a mad rush"
"Definitely. Just being here reminds me so much of when you were little. brings back so many memories."
"You're welcome. you can thank Britt for all your grandchildren. I only did half of that" I chuckle
"Yeah we don't need the "hows" and the "who came onto who" " she says
"You mean whom" I chuckle again
"Gees I never thought Id get this caught up in your sex life Trevor!!" she says laughing
"Yeah well. anyways I better go mum. Britt will be waiting. say come at 10? We will be ready then" I tell her
"Ok darling see you then"
"Bye" I hang up the phone and go and collect my food then walk back to the hospital room. Brittany had already woken up but not Riley. I smile as I place the trays on the bench and then hop back Into bed with britt
"Hey" I whisper giving her a kiss
"Hi babe. got any food?"
"Yeah ham cheese croissant. two lattes as well. ok?"
"Sure. that's hospital food for you" she says and I chuckle quietly
"Yeah. how's riles?"
"Good. still asleep. your mum coming today?"
"Yeah. I was talking to her before. I told them 10 as Riley would be fully ready by then. hey britt?" I ask her
"I think, and this is a really hard decision but we need to do it, we need to go back to set tomorrow. and as much as I don't want to and as much as Riley needs us, we have to go. we have had too many interruptions in the shooting and we are the main stars in these upcoming scenes so they are practically waiting for us and I just think that if we--" I am interrupted by britts lips as she shuts me up. it must just be the way to turn me on because I swear it happens every time.
"Hey Trevor?"
"I totally agree with you. we need to get this done and they need us"
"Wow you adjusted and agreed with me very well to that" I tell her
"Ok let's eat" i say getting the trays and giving one to Britt we start eating
"Mmmmm I know this is hospital food but this isn't too bad" she says
"We've been here so many times yet we never found these. that's hard to believe" I say and she giggles
"Thankyou. that was amazing" she says as she finished putting her tray on the floor. I do the Same
"You're welcome baby. anytime" I say pecking her lips
"What's the time?" She asks
"About 9ish"
"Ok I'm going to go home and get changed and get everyone else. I can drop then here so then your parents car can be left there so then it's easier for them to get there. do I need to call them?" she asks standing up
"Well they are all ready. have been since 8:30 apparently" I say to her
"Perfect. I'll see you in a bit ok?"
"Love you. be careful" I say as she slams the door and walk out
I get out my phone and take a picture of Riley again and post it on Instagram

'So. Once again the Tordjman family are back in hospital. this place is like our second home #getbettersoonriles #bestcroissantseva #appendixout @b_raymond '

I post it and then get flooded with notifications full of comments and likes in just the first minute. it's amazing
Soon enough it comes to around 9:15 and Riley wakes up and the nurse Bree comes in at 9:30 with her breakfast which isn't much as she cant eat anything.

"So riles. how see you feeling babe?" I ask her
"Actually hold up the fingers"
She holds up a 5
"Half way huh?"
She nods
"Baby are you ok? you can tell me" I tell her as she looks sad
"I'm just really tired daddy. I just wanna go home and be normal." she blurts out really weakly
"It's ok sweetie. you'll be home soon. and just fall asleep if you have to ok? James and Em and grandma and grandpa are coming in about 10 minutes with mummy who has gone to get them so if you could stay awake a little longer than you can see them" I explain and her eyes light up straight away
"Really? they're coming"
"Yeah. soon" I tell her and she smiles
"You look happy there Riley
"Yeah daddy I am" she replies

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