Flashbacks and Fun Days (Part 2)

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A/N: so this is my third update for today. I will update tomorrow another 2 times because I am going away an wont be able to update. I will Try my very hardest if I can- but I can't promise you. Enjoy xoxo.

Trevor POV
So we are watching season 2 of the next step and we have gone though so many episodes. The episode where James had to kiss Beth we all decided we would skip as we were having a great time and we didn't want to spoil our day. I hated that day. I was already with Brit...... I think and kissing Megan wasn't even near as good as kissing Britt. in fact I don't even know why they put that on the show- it's was so silly.

Anyways we got to the episode of season 2.5 called Water It. i absolutely loved that episode. it was my all time fav of season 2. I remember filming that episode. Brit and I were already a couple..........

"Hey babe." Brit says
"Oh hey" I say
"So I have finished filming Rileys episode- isn't that exciting? Has James finished yet?"
"Yeah hon- James is all done. I think it was quite an exciting episode to be honest. do you want to sneak out and maybe go to a really nice fancy restaurant and have a night together?"
"Oh my god. yes Trevor that would be amazing. Thankyou" she says
" No no no. don't thank me- thank James and Riley ha ha!!!!
"Haha. what time are we going?"
"I'll pick you up at 6:30 is that ok?" I say
"Perfect!! You're the best"
We kiss passionately for about 2 minutes before she says
"Bye babe- see you soon"

That night I get changed into a nice shirt and jeans and by the time I have freshened up and gotten myself ready in was 6:20 so I went and got Britt. I knocked on her door and out came Britt with this smoking hot Royal Blue short dress on with her short dip dyed hair straitened and styled. she looked so gorgeous and beautiful, I was taken for words.
"Wow Britt- you look amazing! " she blushes and then smiles.
"Thanks Trevor it means a lot coming from you!" She says
"Ha ha. should we get going?"
"Certainly. I'm so excited"

We reach the restaurant and we get our table and order our meals. then we start talking and kissing and eating and it is just really nice to just chill and relax with My girlfriend. then Brit asks......

"Where can you see your future Trevor?"
"Well I can see it with you. maybe a couple of kids in a big house near the beach. if Vic and Isaac end up together probably near them. I would prob be still a dancer or work somewhere in business too. I don't know- its still quite far down the----" I say but am interrupted by Brittany kissing me.
"Track" I say finishing my sentence
"What? why?" I ask
"Trevor we have been dating for like 2 months and it is the best feeling. I just really feel like I can do anything with you and to be honest babe, I never thought that you thought the same way. I thought that you weren't as confinement as I was. but now I know that you do- you do see a future with me and with dancing and for me that's the best thing to hear. I'm just so lucky to have you in my life." she say. I know I'm a man but I actually felt like crying. it was the best day ever.

We then made out on the seat/booth we were at Until Britt suggested that we should stet heading back as it was late and we had to film more tomorrow. I agreed and so we payed and left the restaurant. I dropped Brit home after having another steamy make out session with her and then drive back home. I was literally in heaven.

*********END OF FLASHBACK*******
I switch my eyes back to the episode and it lands on the part where James and Riley are dancing and then they kiss. that was my favorite part so I put my arm around Brits shoulder and kissed her like James and Riley did. it felt great and reminded me of old times. Brit giggled and then smiled, while everyone was oooooing and ahhhing and awwwwing at us. it's was such a cute moment and I enjoyed it so much.

Oh the days...........those great days

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