3 is the new 4

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Trevor POV
"Brittany?" I scream roaming the halls of the set.
"Hon where are you? We need to talk."
"I'm in here." she cuts me off
"Where?" I ask
"In the music room" she says
"oh of course. Why didn't I look there?" I say

We sit down opposite each other. Brit with her knees to her chest and her head down. Tears streaming down her face.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"Yeah. yeah I'm fine." she says
"Are story sure. cause there is no need to worry any more- I told them everything." I said
"You did?" She asks
"Yeah they were really understanding."
"Oh ok. I'm just upset that we missed James saying his first word. I think I should get over it though, now that everyone's happy- that's all I wanted."
"Good so are you right to go in now?" I ask surprised that she has gotten over it so quickly.
"No not just yet." she says. I'm confused
"What? You're ok aren't you?"
"Yeah but there is one more thing I need to clarify with you. " she says
"And what would that be? I ask
"this" she says and she let go of her legs and kisses me passionately . Straight away I am turned on and start kissing her back. then she pulls away
"should we go in now? She asks
"Yep for sure. lets go." I say.

Brittany POV
We get in the doors and see no one standing in the studio.
"Where did everybody go?" I said
"I don't know. where's frank and Chloe?" Trevor said
"Who knows where they are. How are we suppose to film now? Maybe they have gone for a lunch break?" I say
"Oh yeah they have its already 1pm. Do you want to go find them or just go home and have lunch?" He asks
"Maybe lets go and find them- they might want to see us." I suggest
"Ok. jump in." we get in his car and we drive along the street looking for clues that they are in the restaurant either the cars or them standing out the front. but we still can't see them anywhere. we decide that we should probably go home as we can just eat there. we walk in the door......
"Oh my god!"

So this is a pretty short chapter it leaves with a cliff hanger that I will continue in short while hopefully. Comment who you think or what you think Brittany is saying oh my god to. if you get it right I will give you a shoutout in the next chapter. Good luck!!!

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