Unexpected Phone Call

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Isaac POV
The room is silent. there is no cheering or excitement filled faces. Just absolute quiet. It's not awkward either because we are just so sad. Britt, Vic, Alex and some of course Chloe are crying and so I go over to Vic making sure she's ok. It's really hard finishing this. we have all grown so close as a cast and it's hard now to reassure that we won't be shooing anymore proper scenes with these guys. Everyone goes their separate ways out of set and after we pick up Maddie and Blake from the baby area we go home too.

Today has been the least expected. Everyone thought last day was tomorrow and wasn't bracing themselves for today. Its now over.

Done with.

Brittany POV
"Ok come on ri baby you have to have a bath now just before dinner" I call her as I turn the tap on in he bathroom. She comes running in later and I smile as he takes off her clothes and hops in her bubble filled soapy water. I walk out of the room and back out to the kitchen where I see James and Trevor making dinner together
"Well isn't this a first. Very rare moment" I say taking my phone out to take a picture
"Trevor. James" I say and they look up and smile as I take a picture
"So what's cooking tonight boys?"
"We are having Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli." Trevor says
'Wow so you're both making it. From scratch?" I ask and James nods
"You are?"
"Yeahhhhh. of course we are" Trev says nudging James lightly
"Shhh she's not supposed to know" he says and I giggle
"You might want to whisper a bit more quietly babe" I call as I walk down the hallway and back to the bathroom
"Ok. Ri you done yet? Emma's turn soon?"
"Yeah 5 minutes mum"
"Ok sweetie. tell me in you're done" I call and then go to Emma who is on the floor in the lounge room under her mobile of animals. She got it from Isaac and Victoria when she was born and she has loved it ever since. she is nearly 1 though and I can't believe it!!
"Hey Em! come on its bath time!!" I say and she smirks as I pick her up carrying her to the bathroom
"I hope that's not Emma youre carrying Britt!" Trevor yells and I giggle
"No it was just one of Riley's dolls that looks identical to her" I say laughing
"Of course. I believe you"
"Typical" I mutter under my breath

Trevor POV
It's now 7 and we are having dinner as a family.
"Nice pasta guys" britt says and I smile
"Works every time buddy" I say high fiving James
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing. just discussing what we're doing tomorrow on our day off"
"Well we were thinking of going bowling. what do you think?" I improvise
"Sounds good. why don't we invite the others too and have line a family vs family thing" Britt suggests and James face lights up
"Yes yes yes. I want to do that" he says and I smile
"Ok I'll call the others later tonight" Britt says and I smile turning back to my NOT bought pasta.

Once dinner is over and the kids are in bed me and Britt snuggle up to each other. even though its September and not really cold, we always loved doing it
"Today was so hard" Britt says and I kiss her forehead
"I know babe but at least we're not satin goodbye for good. most casts have to do that you know"
"Yeah I know but these guys are family and I love working with them. they're just so easy. so different from most of the other casts. hit a good different" she says
"Yeah I know. it'll be so weird without them"
"Ok I'm goi to call the others. see if they want to come tomorrow"

Brittany POV
"Hey Victoria"
"Oh hi Britt what's up?"
"Well I called to see if you were available tomorrow and to see of we could go bowling. we were going to
Invite the rest of the cast too so we can compete against each other" I explain
"Oh cool yeah we'd love to thanks britt. is Trevor there?"
"Yeah he is"
"Ok thank him too. see you tomorrow britt"
"Ok sure. I'll tect you the details tomorrow. ok bye"
"Bye brittany"
I hang up and then immediately call Alex.
"Tea britt?" Trevor asks from the kitchen
"Ooo yes please"
"Hi Britt"
"Hey Alex. so I was thinking tomorrow we could bowling as a cast as we gave a day off"
"Oh wow cool we love to come that's sounds so much fun"
"Ok sure. ill text you the further details tomorrow"
"Ok see you tomorrow"
"Bye Alex"
I hang up again and accept Trevor's tea
"Vrans and Lupiens in"
"Oh cool that means we have some competition than"
"Yes we do" I say dialing Logan, Jordan, Taveeta, Brennan, Samantha, Myles, Briar and Devon, inviting them all and after hearing a yes from all of them I hang up and finally dial Jennie and Lamar
"Oh hey britt" it's Jennie obviously. Lamar rarely answers the phone with me and if he does it's always a VERY long conversation filled with typical Lamar dialogue. But when Jennie answers this time in her voice, it sounds very scared and worried
"Jen what's wrong? You're scaring me"
"I'm pregnant"

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