Good Cop, Bad Cop

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Lamar POV
"Jennie!!!" Emily screams from the back as we are making our way back. We aren't even out of the parking lot yet and we have only used 4 minutes of our 10 which is good.
"What's wrong what's wrong? Oh gees I don't know if I can do this all the time" she breathes heavily and I chuckle
"You'll be fine babe. I just know it" I say placing a hand on her bump
She smiles before Emily answers "I forgot my jacket." She says as I turn around to look at her- all flustered while trying to find the pink jacket she was wearing earlier.
"It's ok sweetie. We'll find it. Is it under the seat?" Jen says
"No" she muffles while bending over looking under her seat.
"Maybe it's inside the hospital" Jennie says turning to me, whispering it to me quietly
"Mmmm listen girls. I'm going to go and try find it. I'll be back in a sec. The room was past the cafeteria wasn't it?" I clarify with Jen who smiles and then nods.
"Come on Em. Do you like Taylor Swift?" I hear Jennie say to Emily as she squeals before I take my phone and head out of the car back towards the Vrans hospital room.

I walk in, quickly checking with the receptionist to where the room was.
"Just straight through the cafeteria then down a hallway, take a turn to your right and you should find it sir" she says and I smile thanking her before leaving towards the room. I walk straight past the cafeteria and then---

Wait was that Zac? And.......Becky G???

I turn back around to see the cafeteria just to see them and to ask where Alex was and even the jumper. But then from the corner of my eye I see Becky somewhat leaning in towards Zac. Then they.... You know what I can't even talk about it!! I have to cover my mouth before I can scream before racing off to go and find Alex. She needs to know.

Brittany POV
"Ok. Trevor you get started on the second pizza- the vegetarian one and me and Riley will do the first one- the meat lovers pizza" I instruct Trevor
"Sounds good babe. How long have we got left?"
"Well we're the second to get back so we have 3 hours and 15 minutes as we took only 15 minutes to shop. That's pretty good Trevor. We're going well. We're going to win aren't we Ri?"
"Yeah!!" She squeals and Trevor chuckles
"Wow I never knew you had a competitive side Britt!!" He says and I laugh
"Welcome to Brittany Tordjman- the woman you don't know" I say smirking and he raises an eyebrow before grabbing some flour and throwing t towards me making me all white. Then he grabs me by the waist and circles me around him
"Trevor!!! Stop!! The baby. I swear you're going to.....kill it!!" I say in between laughing and squealing. Trevor immediately puts me down as soon as he hears the words 'baby' and 'kill.'
"Thanks. I love you though. Just don't want the baby to get hurt" I say and he smiles weakly
"I know Britt. I love teasing you though and hearing your laugh it's the cutest thing ever."
"Right. Thank you." I say to him chuckling as we get back to making the pizza.
"Mummy. When are Jennie and Lamar and Emily going to get back?" Riley asks as I look around to see everyone here already but them even though they were the First ones to leave the shopping area claiming that they wouldn't have enough time at the end even though they get an extra 10 minutes at the end.
"I don't know sweetheart but they should be here soon. Jen and Lamar did have to pick up Emily. Maybe they're stuck in traffic? Here I'll ring Jennie for you"
"Ok" she says smiling while adding the eggs to the dough mixture. I smile balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I help her crack the egg into the metal bowl before instructing her to stir it all in together
"Hi Jen its Britt"
"Oh hey. We are just waiting for Lamar at the moment. Sorry I should've called. He is inside getting Emily's jumper"
"Oh ok. You can have an extra 10 minutes if you want- this isn't your fault. It shouldn't cost you time" I say to her smiling as Riley finishes storing the mixture together.
"Good girl Riley. Go wash your hand from the egg." I say to her before she runs off
"Sorry Jennie we are making our pizza and Riley was storing in the eggs"
"That's ok. Listen Britt I have to go as Emily is singing and I probably should record it for Alex. But we'll be there soon I promise"
"Ok cool. Thank you bye"
"Bye" she says and then I hang up

Lamar POV
I rush into Alex's room and find hat she is awake. Up on her phone.
"Heyyyyy" I say softly
"Oh hi Lamar." She says looking up from her phone
"Hi how are you feeling?"
"Yeah good. Just really tired."
"Yeah I understand. Well not really Jen hasn't had the baby yet and I haven't had one myself obviously so I have no sympathy but Zacs told me before when you had Emily and so has Trevor when Britt was in hospital. Anyways Alec I came here because I really need to tell you something" I start and she looks confused
"Before you ask- no I don't like you and no I'm not wanting to congress feelings. Not like west but I'm here because I am a good friend and today I saw something that I know a good friend would share" I continue and she looks really scared now.
"Lamar what's going on. What's happened?" She asks and I shake my head
"I saw Zac."
"What about him. What did you see?"
"He was kissing a girl. Becky G" I explain

Her face drops and then the waterworks start.

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