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A/N: So writing this chapter actually made me realise that Victoria and Isaac are still engaged. lol I didn't or I haven't even written a chapter where they got married. its a bit too late now as its like 3,4 years later but just pretend that they are married and had a honeymoon etc. hahahaha I actually haven't even noticed it which is weird cause this books been going for 6 months haha.

Victoria pov
"What do you mean they're not here?"
"Ammm something just came up" Trevor says nervously
"Okayyyyy then. We'll have jennie and Lamar"

Something's going on. something 'didn't just come up'
"Is everything alright?" I whisper to Brittany who is next to me
"Yeah she replies nodding"
"If its anything serious. I'm always here"
"I know. thank you" she whispers back as jennie and Lamar continue their speech

"Hey guys!!" I say as Maddie comes running up to me down the hallway of my mothers house and into my arms
"Mummy!!" I smile scooping her up as my mum comes in behind her with Blake in the carrier in which she hands to Isaac
"Ready for tomorrow baby? Big day!!" I tell her and she smiles
"I still can't believe that my granddaughter is getting married at an age before my daughter" mum says and Maddie laughs before motioning her to come closet to her. mum bends down and she whispers something in her ear
"It's not a real wedding grandma" and I giggle while mum tries to hold in the laugh and just nods
"Ok we better get going vic" Isaac says after taking Maddies hand.
"Yeah. thanks mum. we'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Definitely." she says and I smile before walking down Her driveway and back to the car
"How was the party mummy?" Maddie asks
"Great thank you sweetie. a bit sad but it was fun" I reply
"That's good."
"Mmmm. now when we get back babe I need you to start packing for our camping trip on Monday maybe help Maddie and Blake with their bags. the suitcases are in the basement. blue for Blake and pink for Maddie. I'm going to start dinner. any requests?"
"Spaghetti!!!" Maddie squeals
"Yeah ok. just for the bride" I agree and she softly says YES!! In her head although it wasn't very 'soft' as I could hear it.
We walk in the door and Isaac immediately starts with the bags. it's six o'clock so he also puts Blake to bed. I start on dinner and finish it, turning on the news while Isaac is still with the kids. then Maddie walks in the room
"Yes gorgeous"
"When you got married, were you and daddy in love alot?"
"Ahhh yeah i guess. I would say alot. yes"
"Did it guys kiss?" she giggles and hops onto my lap
"Haha yeah lots" I say and she smiles
"Mummy that's gross but I'm sure you two were in love. a lot. so it was ok" she says laughing
"Yeah. daddy proposed to me when we found out I was pregnant with you baby" I tell her and she smiles
"Really?" he eyes light up
"Yeah! It was actually in front of everyone from the cast. it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me"
"Yeah daddy's a nice person" I giggle
"He is sweetie"
"Come on your spaghetti is ready mads"
"Yay!!" she squeals and jumps up and sits on a chair at the table
"Your last dinner as a free woman.....or....girl" I hesitate as she laughs and Isaac walks in the room
"I smell--" he starts but Maddie finishes it off
"Spaghetti!!" she squeals.
"Wow you're a little crazy today maddie. what's going on on your life?"
"I'm getting married tomorrow daddy remember" she says to Isaac and he smiles
"Of course gorgeous. I'm the one who is taking you to your handsome young groom" I chuckle at their conversation. Isaac whoever talking to the kids always acts like he is a child again; not their dad and that's what cracks me up the most

"Ok Maddie you have a big day tomorrow so you have to go to bed now" I tell her and she moans
"But I don't want to!!" She complains
"Ill read it a story"
"Deal!!" she agrees and I smile following her up the stairs and to her pink and purple fairy room.

"Have you cleaned your teeth beautiful?" I ask her and she nods her head
"Ok. go and choose a story" she smiles and walks over to the hook case she has in the corner of her room. she comes back with a picture book with a fairy (surprise surprise- note the sarcasm) on the front
"Another fairy book?!"
"Yes mummy. but this one about how a fairy gets married" she smiles and I giggle, opening to the first page
"Ok. Once upon a time there lived a young fairy called Ella. Ella was a very good princess who always cared for fairyland and her friends." I start and turn the page while Maddie shuffles in her bed
"One day, while Ella was flying through Fairyland, she came upon a handsome young elf named Jack. He was strolling through fairyland too and when he came across Ella his eyes stayed twitching and his arms got goosebumps" I continue

.......... (Story continues)
"Finally the day arrived and Ella and Jacks big day was here. Ella stepped into her big white dress as she stared at herself in the mirror while finishing the final touches to her hair and dress
"Fanfairytastic!" she mutters to herself.
Once Ella got back to fairyland---" I continue reading but I am cut of by a snore.

I turn around to see my beautiful daughter asleep next to her unicorn stuffed toy looking all cosy. I ant help but smile as I get up, putting the book down on her bedside table and tucking her neatly underneath her sheets.
"Goodnight my fairy. sweet dreams lovely" I whisper to her as I kiss her forehead slightly. then I take out my phone and do what every mother has to do in their life. I take a photo of her turning the flash on and without waking her up I manage to get a perfect shot
"Fanfairytastic" I say to myself giggling

I turn to Instagram and post the picture with the caption
"This bride to be, even after a fairy story, is my daughter to keep. forever and ever. Love you Maddie #TomorrowsTheBigDay #AboutToBecomeATordjman #MummysGirl"

I hit send and smile at my comments. I don't care how much anger she is going to throw me in the morning, she's my daughter. and mine to keep; forever.

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