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Trevor POV
"What do you mean you're not done yet!!?" britt says calmly
"I mean stay here because there is not just one baby" she says and my heart starts racing
"We're having twins?" I asks really excitedly
"Yeah by the looks of it. see right there. look Riley there's the second peanut." the nurse says and I chuckle as I hold Riley closer to the monitor as she looks at the baby.
"Wow two. that's 5 kids! do you know if that ones a girl or a boy?"
"Yeah I do. it's actually a girl. congratulations"
"Thankyou. that ah really wasn't expected but that's great news. now. can I sit up now or are you going to tell me that we're having triplets?" Brit says as the nurse giggles
"No you can sit up. you're next check up will be at 20 weeks which is half way and by then you'll be really big especially with twins brittany!" she says and we all laugh
"Ok see you then Thankyou" I say as we walk out of the hospital and back outside.
"You excited?" I whisper to Britt as ri and James run up ahead of us to the car while I'm back walking with Brittany and Emma (who's in the carrier in my hand.)
"Yeah I am actually. twins will be cute just like old days when I had two identical twin girl dolls. I named them Millie and Molly. they were my favorite dolls in the entire world." she tells me
"Well we can name the girl Millie or Molly but obviously not the boy"
"Yeah but now that I think about it. I don't know about Millie and molly. not that I don't like the names. I do. it's just I have another one in mind for the girl"
"You do?"
"Yeah what about Jacinda for a girl" she says as we hop into the car, driving home
"I like that name. what about Ethan for a boy?"
"Yeah those two sound great but I would really like Riley as James's view on it first. maybe they should choose?" she suggest
"Sure we'll talk about it later when they are less distracted" I say pulling up to our driveway
"Come on kids. we have 3 hours. what are we going to do?" I say revving them up
"Ooo I know lets make the bet sandcastle in the world!"
"We can meet Mickey Mouse"
"And bury daddy in sand"
Is all I hear
"Ok ok kids calm down" I giggle
"We are not going to Disneyland or the mech and did you say bury me!?" I say sarcastically to James and Riley and Riley burst out laughing. her laugh- exactly like britts.
"We are going to have a family bake off" I announce and britt smiles
"We are going to split into girls and boys and we are going to go shooing for the ingredients and then come back to bake whatever we want ok. we have our three hours and Emma we will leave with Alex. me and James will drop her off quickly at Alex's on our way to the shops. ok? everyone ready? Gooooo" I yell and Riley and Brittany immediately go and brainstorm in our bedroom but me and James rush off to the shops straight away, deciding that we will choose what we're making in the car. We also decide that Alex will judge out cakes when she comes to drop off Emma.

Brittany POV
Me and Riley get started on out planning, knowing that this way will set out easier in our heads what we need and how we are going to make it. we are going to make a 3 layered rainbow chocolate fudge cake with the respective colours as icing. we have 2 hours and 15 minutes left and we are already at the shops. we get out basics: eggs, flour, milk, cocoa, food dye, sugar etc. as we rush frantically through the supermarket. we arrive home with 2 1/2 hours left to make our 3 layered cake and icing. we take the first kitchen upstairs which is the biggest, leaving the one downstairs for the boys. where are they anyway? they aren't home yet and then we hear a car zoom into place

Trevor POV
We arrive him with our ingredients for our smartie cookie ice cream sandwiches. we decided that we would have to make the ice cream from scratch and it would be a bit of a risk bit we are using the blast chiller so it should be fine. we have our mnms to use as the rainbow coloured filling as well as our ingredients for the cookie dough. James came up with this idea and was takin charge from the very beginning telling us why to get at the shops. the rules were that we weren't allowed to use any recipe, it had to be from scratch so we knew it was going to be hard and when we saw the girls already in and baking, we knew we were already disadvantaged.

Alexandra POV
The guys have 1/2 hour left of their baking challenge. Trevor came and left Emma with us, telling us to come over at 1:30 to judge their cooking. he gave me the spare key too to let myself in do then we wouldn't disrupt them. I sat down in the judges chair with Emma on my lap and James came in and presented me with my first desert.
"Well. what's this?"
"This is a smartie cookie ice cream sandwich" I look down at the desert and then up at Trevor and James who were sitting close by with Britt and ri waiting for the results
"Wow ok then. first of all. the ice cream isn't actually ice and that cookie dough looks raw but ill try it anyway." I take a bite and place it in my mouth, chewing it but with no taste.
"Guys what did you out in this?"
"Flour, eggs, baking powder, mnms, milk and a couple other things but I can't remember" Trevor says and I laugh
"Ever though about putting any sugar in it?" I laugh and tenor hangs his head
'I told you!!" James tells his dad an I laugh even more
"Ok Britt and ri" I call and thy place their cake in front of me and I smile
"This family is the funniest ever. what's this desert?"
"A three layered (yellow, pink and orange) chocolate fudge cake with their respective colours as coloured icing topped with jelly babies and skittles." brittany says before letting out a loud sigh
"Ok wow well this certainly looks more cooked than the guys" I laugh and Trevor glares at Me. I put the cake into my mouth and I just can't take it out. it is SO good.
"Oh my god. this is unreal. girls win" I say, not even taking my second bite
"Boys you were close with a 6.5/10 since you had no sugar, it was raw and it was melted. girls 9.5/10 as the too is a bit too decorative but well done guys" I conclude
"Yes!! Woohoo!! yay Riley we won" Britt says hugging Riley and giving her a hi-five before sitting down on too of Trevor
"Seems like your banana pancakes aren't just enough?"
"So Alex what's their reward?" Trevor asks me completely ignoring Brittany's torture.
"Ah well Trevor you should be asking what's my punishment?"
"Yep that right tonight you guys have to camp out. boys no showers, only dinner and breakfast for food, just sleeping bags and pillows, the tent and one torch AND no Brittany or for James no Mum." Alex says and Brittany cups her hand over her mouth
"I don't know how you're going to last without me babe" she says
"Thanks Alex. we better get ready but see you soon" Britt says as I leave

That family is just full on crazy!!

(A/N: Wow Nearly 1400 words this chapter. hope you like it :))

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