2 Ultra sounds, 1 sick person later.....

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Victoria POV
It's been 3 months since we started filming. 3 months since we all reunited. 3 months since Trevor and Britt announced that they were expecting. 3 months since Lamar and Jennie had that 'incident' that will never be forgotten by the cast

Life is really good ad I could not have asked for such a better husband, family and cast mates. I had my birthday yesterday with all of the cast and it was just amazing. they all came over to my house at about 8:00 pm and we all just talked as a cast. As a family. As best friends. it's like old times. its just..just the best.

Brittany POV
3 months on and a lot has happens.
I have had 2 ultrasounds. one at the beginning of the pregnancy- about 2 weeks after the interview and 1 about 2 days ago before Vic's birthday.

We have told Riley and Jane sabot the baby and they are both really excited. Obviously Riley is a bit more excited then James as he doesn't really know what is going on. Riley thinks we are having a boy and a girl but wants a two girls but we aren't finding out until our next ultra sound. well Trevor is finding out. I'm not- I want a surprise.

We have filmed all of the dance show scenes as they were great. we have started thinking about possible baby names since we can't name it Riley or James cause thy are taken. we are having twins so we can already think of possible girl names and possible boy names. so far we have:

- jasmine
- Rachel
- Chloe
- Phoebe
- Evelyn
- William
- Josh
- Max
- Nate
- Alex

We still don't know but since I chose te girl and James chose the boy name last time we are swapping this time so I have to choose the boy name.

Ever since the media found out we were pregnant at the interview, they were eyeing us and tracking us down every five seconds. it's really had to get out of the house also because you see a bright light flash like all the time and then you read the article and its just saying that you were on your way to filming; I mean- what's so important and good about that??

I am starting to show and my pregnancy side effects have starts dot kick in as I have a weird craving to Watermelon and Tea.

"Trevor!" I yell as I am literally throwing up into our en suite bathroom toilet.
"What babe?" he asks
"What do you think? can you just........" I start but an interrupted by spew
He comes running and I finish my sentence
"Get the kids to school please." I finish.
"Oh Britt..... this is like your third month- shouldn't it be stoping by now?" he asks rubbing my back
" I don't know. but I want it too."
"Yeah me too. and yeah sure thing Brit." he says walking out. last month the school season started again after having holidays and so James is at day care and Riley is at school. the day care thing on set is only for when they have holidays

"Thanks hon" I say
"Come on guys! finish tying your shoelaces and lets get to school beige the bells ring breaks!!" he says before I hear footsteps rushing out the door. they stop for a while
"Bye Mum! hope you get better soon! " Riley call out
"Thanks sweetie. have fun at school. I will see you tonight ok?" I yell
"Ok. love you!" she says back
"Love you too Darling. bye."
I then hear the front door slam and then I throw up one last time before realizing that it should be over and make my way over to the kitchen where I make my self some tea and I just snuggle up on the couch and drink it while I watch the news

"And breaking news now- coming from Tronto, Canada. Trevor Tordjman family have just been found at Berkinghill Public School this morning dropping off his eldest daughter before moving onto Play and Learn Day Care down the road from the public school. They look like such a happy family. but where is Brittany?" they say on the news

Oh great. I think to myself. now they're are just trying to get up out faces and see every single thing we do in our lives. can't they jut leave us alone. for goodness sakes- he's dropping he kids at school it no big deal!!!!

I groan and turn the tv off before taking my iPhone 12 off the table and asking Siri to all the set and tell them that I am to sick to come on today and to say that I should be back tomorrow.

I thank Siri- since she does everything for me and ten turn my phone off. Trevor walks through the door with his black shades on and a very upset look on his face.

"Two words" he looks up at me
"Media. Depression" we say together

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