Typical Tuesdays

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Victoria pov
"Mummy!!!" Maddie says squealing coming into my room while jumping on my bed
"Mummy wake up wake up"
"Yeah baby? what's up?" I say groggily as its like 7 in the morning
"We need daddy. daddy. daddy. come on wake up" Maddie says bouncing on our bed. I nudge Isaac and he opens his eyes tiredly. I kiss him and he automatically wakes up
"Works like the best medicine" I tell Maddie smiling
"Ok mads what's up?"
"It's your birthday remember?"she says excitedly
"What?! no Maddie darling it isn't my birthday. what's today?"
"August 28th"
"Ohhhhh baby today is August 28th not July 28th you silly sausage. come here" I say motioning her to squeeze between me and Isaac
She giggles softly and I smile
"What's so funny maddie?" Isaac asks laughing
"Nothing it's just that I love ring in your bed its so warm and comfy" I laugh and smile at Isaac and glance around the room

It's silent for a while and for a moment I think the have all gone back to bed but then I hear a voice
"Mummy? how was I made?"

'Oh god this is going to take a while'

"What do you mean?" Isaac asks biting his lip looking at me while
I smirk, almost laughing
"I mean how did I get in your tummy and out to the real world?" she asks and I just can't help but burst out laughing. I'm surprised that Blake can't hear because he's literally two metres away from our bed, in our room. he'll be up soon though
"Uh well.....what happens is......actually mads do you know what you should do?" I start
"What?" she says shifting in her place
"Go and ring Aunty Brittany she'll know, there's a person inside her now remember?" I say and she nods running off to find the home phone. I help her dial it as she comes back into our room. it's more like 7:30 now so they should be up.
"Hello?" Trevor asks picking up the phone. i made Maddie put it on speaker I hear their reaction
"Hey uncle Trevor it's Maddie"
"Oh hey sweetie how are you? it's a little early"
"I know but everyone's awake but I have a question"
"Ok continue"
"Well it was or Aunty Brittany but if you can put it on speaker then you can hear it too"
"Ok sweetie ill do that now" we hear ruffling before Brittany's voice
"Hey Maddie how are you gorgeous?"
"Good Thank you. I have a question though"
"Ok go ahead."
"How did I get into mummy's tummy and out into the world? how was I made?" Maddie says and me and Isaac and like 1 millisecond from bursting out laughing it is so funny
"Ah what!? can't mummy and daddy tell you that?" Brittany says
"Well they can but I think that because you have a baby inside of you now, it would be better from you" maddie says and I put a hand over my mouth to stop giggling
"Victoria!!!!!!" Brittany screams
I just let it out and start laughing so hard it's really funny. then it's silence on the other line.
"Trevor? Hey!? Why so you want me to tell a 4 year old how babies are made by myself. Great!!" Brittany says as we obviously know that trev walked away
"Nice one man" Isaac yells
"Aunty brittany?"
"Ok beautiful. babies are made when a mummy and a daddy decide that one piece of each of them need to combine to make one person. then it is kept on the mummy for 9 months until it is ready to be born. Victoria you are so going to pay girl" Britt says laughing
"Ok but how is it born?" Maddie asks and Isaac chuckles
"Yep that's one for your mum to tell you. she knows more"
"Bye Maddie" she adds
"Thanks Aunty Brittany. bye!" she hangs up

Absolute hilarious moment ever

Jennie pov
I wake up to the birds chirping and city lights lowing into my apartments window. Lamar as I are renting out this Toronto apartment while we shoot this movie and are renting our home out temporarily while we stay here. I love Canada; it's my home town and i can't regret that but Australia is just breathtaking and the views are spectacular, Canada is too just not as much.

I roll out of bed and have a shower, placing my pjs in the washing basket and putting on some dance clothes for set today. we have approximately 8 days of filming left. I have some cereal, thinking of how much I miss my Weet-Bix Australian Cereal Breakfast. Lamar comes through the kitchen and I give him a good morning kiss and hug offering him some breakkie too.
"You know I was doing some thinking" he starts
"As its summer now, why don't we in the fall go on an all cast camping trip before editing and promotional shots start?" he suggests and my face lights up
"That sounds like a great idea except for the fact that Alex will be 4 and Britt will be 3 months pregnant. And Victoria and Isaac have a new born well 3 month by the time we go. will that matter?"
"Not really. they can stay in a cabin if its that much pressure"
"Ok. deal. lets ask them today at set if they're all in and then maybe we can start booking and sorting out things. there are a lot of cast members and most have families so it will be hard" I add
"Yeah Mmmm. that reminds me Jen- something's been on my mind for a long time now" he says serious faced

"I think we should try for a baby again"

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