Jiley, Jiley and more Jiley

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Alexandra POV
So we are on set at the moment filming the scene where jiley has to announce that they're expecting. its no surprise to us as this is the 4th time thy have said it to us (3 non fictionals and 1 fictional.)

It was set out at a BBQ their house. sort of like when they announced they were expecting riley. it is really had for jennie an Lamar to hear another one of these scenes so they had the day off today- and I don't blame frank and Chloe for doing it either. trevor and Brittany were also off set doing an interview for te today show where I heard they were going to be asked whether they were pregnant or not so they have had a pretty rough morning too. they come rushing in ready to film and the scene starts.

"Hello. hi....ammmm. everyone." Riley starts
"Oi!" James says and then whistles
"Listen up! we have something to share." James says
"We ahh wanted to say two things. one is that we both got a letter today saying that shuffle and groove will be on tv, being part of a show called 'Dance till you drop' huh is run by the BBC network. and Two is that we are expecting our first child later this year!" Riley says. and then the entire cast has to go and rush up to them and give them hugs and kisses and congratulations. then I speak

"Wow you guys that's amazing news" Emily says
"Yeah we only found out a couple of days ago and we wanted out guys to know first!" James said
"Congrats bro" eldon says
"So do you know if its a girl or a boy yet?" Michelle asks
"No actually we don't its jut a bit too early but about tv show- aren't you guys excited. we are all goińg to have little interviews as part of the show, like point of views (pov) inside the show."Riley says to everyone
"Will we be part of it?" one little young dancer asks. he is part of shuffle and groove hip hop class and his name is Jack but his actual actor name is Adam. he's adorable.
"Yeah of course Jack- you, Skylar, Jess and Zane will be the main stars of it alone with us coaches/mentors." Riley says
"Wow fanks so much riley." He says
"You're welcome little man but what about me? do I get a thankyou?" James says
"Sowee. fanks wames." jack says. he has to pretend he has speech problems on the show and he actually does really well.
"That's alright. come here." James says lifting jack up and spinning him around. he then puts him back down and puts his arm around riley.

Emily pov (on the show)
everyone by now is doing there own thing at the BBQ and Riley and James are just sitting at the head of he table next to each other now sitting down. James while putting his arm around Riley, kisses her on the lips and says I love you to her. it's so sweet. I wish I was them.
End of POV

"I love you too. and you will make an incredible father James. I can't wait to see you become one." she says smiling. he kisses her again and then stands up and takes the remote from the table and points it to the stereo. 'We go' from season 1 of the next step- a song we did ages ago comes on and James asks Riley to dance. it's a bit awkward at first but soon everyone starts to warm up to it and starts dancing with their partner too. even jack and Jess are dancing and Jess is standing on jacks toes. its quite cute as jack is squinting his eyes in pain ad Jess is probably standing a bit too hard on them.

Hunter comes over and he takes my hand and we start slow dancing like everyone else. he whispers I live you in my ear and we kiss a couple of times. I love the romantic scenes with Zac it's always so neutral than it used to be in season 2 filming.

alex POV
I bet Brit and trevor have more chemistry as riley and james though. they are just perfect for each Like Romeo and Juliet perfect.

"Cut" frank calls and the scene is done. that was so good. I loved it so much. the camera's went away and everything was back to reality
"That was good. that's a wrap for scene 10. good work. take 10 and then I will get Alex to do her POVs for Emily after and then we will start on scene 11." He continues.

I give Zac a kiss before I start making my way over to Trevor and Brittany where we listen to them about their interview.

QOTD: If my book was made a tv show who would be cast as brittany Raymond? And it can't be her
AOTD: I actually can't think of one. ha ha

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