So called Hilarious Embarrassment

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Victoria pov
We all arrived at the mall the next day; my entire team Zac, Emily, Myles, Logan and me all ready to do this stupid challenge. I have to admit that I am pretty nervous but I am determined to win also. Emily is immediately pulled out cause she is under 18 the lucky thing and we are not going to do something so strange to her either. it's now basically down to us 4. The looser has to do the ice bucket challenge, uploading it to Instagram and their YouTube channel with a caption {When you loose bowling against 20 people} before tagging everyone's name.

Overnight Isaac had given me a few tips, not that he had done it before, but apparently he had more skill than me in this stuff cause he was a guy. which makes no sense to me but whatever. he told me or more like have me permission to ask more male guys as there will be more male guys that are gay ad if you can try and flirt with them if you can. I have to say I was a little surprised hearing that from him as I would never give such advice.

"Ok guys are you ready?" Britt calls out as the judge. she is going to control the race as we have only a 60 minute time limit, Trevor, Lamar Jordan and Taveeta were all scoring making it fair as none of their respective partners (Brittany or jennie (Jordan's or Taveeta's isn't in the cast)) were not in the race
"Ok so rules again. you are not allows to say sorry so for example 'sorry I have to ask you this but are you gay?' you cannot ask the same person more than once and you have 1 hour so as many people you can ask that say they are gay; it gets tallied. got it?" she calls as we all stand on the edge of the entrance of the mall. We are all wearing headsets as we run and talk so that each of the judges can hear what we're saying too so that we can get disqualified if we have to.
"Ok then. On you marks. Get set. GO!!!!" she screams as we all run off to different places of the mall.

Brittany pov
After I scream I contemplate whether that's actually good for the baby or not. but suddenly I feel it kick
"Trevor" I yell softly but he's too busy listening to the others.
"Ugh you've done felt it enough times" I moan before going and standing next to jennie
"Hey girl"
"Oh hey britt. how are you feeling?"
"Yeah yeah good the baby just kicked again"
"Oh really that's so amazing. is it still kicking?" she asks hopefully
"No it's stopped"
"Oh ok but next time I wanna feel it" I chuckle
"Ok jennie. but don't worry it will kick inside you soon enough and then you can have your own delight" I say and she smiles
"I know Brittany but what if it doesn't.........." she pauses and breaths
"Make it again" she finishes saying it softly. he voice broken as she said it. tears looking like they're going to form
"It's ok Jen it won't die again. i promise you" I say comfortingly. she smiles
"Thanks Brittany." I smile
"Britt. Britt. oh my god zac just asked someone successfully
"Ok then mark it down. you are recording these conversations right?"
"One - 0 - 0 - 0." I say to jennie and she smiles again
"He's going to win. I just wonder who will loose"
"Oh Britt Victoria just got one. haha she's celebrating while talking to me haha" Jordan says
"Ok jennie now it's 1-1-0-0" I turn back to her
"Ok you guys you have 45 minutes left" I hear each of the judges say into their head sets.
I look around the entrance area where we are all set up for my three kids. god knows where they are. but then I found them all sitting next to Alexandra who was next to Trevor (as he was tallying Zacs scores) helping each of the kids make signs saying "Go Zac!!!" on it. I laugh to myself before getting out of my chair
"Coffee anyone?" I ask the group
They all somehow nod their heads guessing that they will get the typical latte. I grab m purse and phone before heading down the escalator to the nearest coffee break shop purchasing 12 coffees- one for each of the adults as well as 3 cookies for Ri, Em and James. Emma and Blake can't really eat that stuff yet so I don't get anything for them. I leave the store coming back to almost shouting and screaming coming from Alex and the kids. I just laugh as I hand them their drinks/food before sitting down next to Jen
"It's now 3-5-6-4" she whispers
"Explains the screaming from Zacs side"
"Mmmm hmmmm have been like that the past 20 minutes you were gone. "
"Ok guys 20 minutes left. lets go zac" Trevor says
"Wow myles certainly has a lead although Victoria isn't far behind. They all must be exhausted running around that mall"
"No britt I think YOU would be exhausted running around that mall" jennie says exaggerating the You. I giggle as I sip down the rest of my coffee.
"Oh Victoria just scored another one. nice flirting by the way girly" she says and I laugh
"That's my girl!!" Isaac says sitting next to Jordan. we are all laughing our heads off
"You told her to say that"
"Ever heard of jealously?" I say laughing still
"Ever heard of competitiveness?"he says back,

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