Its been too long.........

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A/N This may be my last chapter for now as I am going away camping for a week. I might be able to update during the car trip there but ill see. it will be very difficult trying to type and read while driving. anyways. hope you like it xoxox

3 months later; April 2022.
Brit POV
So tomorrow is the next step reunion and I am pumped but kind of nervous. we drop Riley and James at my parents house as they are staying there for the week, and head back to where we called home for 4 years.

We arrive on set and Britt and I realise that we are the last ones here as we got so many hugs and kisses ( on the cheek) and were just truly blessed by everyone. it was good to be back.
" Wow. it's so good to you all. Is today like a get together day?" I ask
"Yeah we thought we could all talk about our lives right now up until lunch and then go out for lunch and then come back and start rehearsing." Lamar says
"Do you guys want to start?" Logan asks
"Sure. well we both are 26 and are married. we saw you guys after Riley was born and then about 5 months who we had James. Yes they are named after our characters on the show. We live in a house not that far from set. we are still dry happy and are thinking of having anther child very soon- hopefully when Riley is pregnant as they have already included it in the script and would be good as I wouldn't have to wear one of those fake bellies. boy do I hate them. anyways Isaac and vic? you next......." I say everyone laughs at my comment and then Isaac and Victoria go

Isaac POV
We are next to share our story of or life so far. I decide to speak as vic says I should
"So vic and I are married as you guys know and we have one gorgeous baby girl called Maddie who we named after the town Michelle came from on the next step. We are so happy together as a family and we work as part of dance still as it makes us happy. we recently just went to Australia with Brit and Trevor and we went to the theme parks and talked to some Sydney fans and visited Lamar and jennie also. it was so much fun. do you guys want to go next?" I ask looking at jennie and Lamar.

"Yeah so Lamar and I are now 26 and 27 and are working in Australia as part of the Ballet company. we are very happy married and we are expecting in about 2 months as you guys probably already know and most of you can tell. Hahaha. I love Australia. it's so big and open and you always feel so spacious and free. I hope that when we do have the baby you can all come an visit her at one stage after filming. And thats our life. what about yours alex and zac? she asks but at that point Alex is already running out of the room crying with Zac not close behind. I wonder what's up with her?? "

The Next Step: 6 Years OnWhere stories live. Discover now