Sister meet brother

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Trevor POV
So after a while Brit dozed off so the nurse gave me the baby and I got to hold it for a while. I just sat there in awe tears running down my eyes occasionally thinking to myself how beautiful he was and how he would grow up to be the best son I would ever had. I was so proud of Brittany. I live her so so so so much and I can't wait to raise Riley and _________ with her. It will be amazing.

1 1/2 hours later the cast and crew came in one by one getting to hold it and talk to it. Obviously Vic couldn't come though. They were all in satisfaction with _______ and told Brittany (as she was awake now) that she and I had done an amazing job and that they both would grow up to be so talented like them.
Then my mum, dad and sisters and Brittany's mum, dad and sister came In and both our mums started crying the dads couldn't believe they were grandpas and our siblings were blown away.

Finally it was time for Riley to come in and meet him. She came rushing into to hug both of us first though. She has been staying at my parents house while we delivered the baby so she was completely unaware too. Anyway she came in with this big smile on her face and the first thing she did was sit on my lap to hold the baby. She was so happy. I could tell by her face that she was just over the moon. For the next 2 minutes or so or she could do though was kiss the baby's forehead. I found it quite cute and funny. I was so glad we had a family,

After they left, Brit and I were tossing and turning over baby names. We weren't sure what to call him but we eventually went with James as it would be both our child's stage names and it would mean more to us.

After 1-2 weeks or so Brit and I started to head home with James in a baby car seat in the back as well as Brittany and Riley there too and I was driving. It was awkward silence for a while until I could hear Brittany and Riley talking in the back.
"Thankyou Mummy." Riles said
"What for?"
"For Giving me the best present in the world."
"Oh my darling it a pleasure. I can't express how happy we are for you as we'll as for ourselves."
Then they just started hugging until I swerved over to the ice cream shop on the side of the road.
"Ice cream" Riley yelled
"Yep. What flavour?"
I heard a Strawberry and a chocolate so that's what I got.
As soon as we got home we fell asleep. We were all exhausted

Isaac POV
After about a week or so vic and I had started heading home with our new addition. We had had a girl whom we named Madison; after the town Michelle came from on the next step. I was thrilled. I had had some updates from Trevor and brittany but honestly we were all so exhausted we just didn't worry. We would share our experiences later. I think we had talked about a holiday though.........,,,,

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