Just another wedding

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A/N: So anyone remember FRIENDS the tv show? This chapter is based off the episode called "the one with Monica and chandlers wedding Part 1" as chandler goes missing and In this chapter Zac goes missing. After the next step, FRIENDS is my favourite show so I Hope you enjoy my update xx

Alex POV
"Ahhh I'm getting married today!" I say as I wake up and make my way to the kitchen, as the girls show sympathy
"Wow! I know babe you have waited all your life for this and now you are finally getting what you wanted." jennie says
"I know and I'm so happy! shall we get started?" I ask and then all of the girls faces turn from excited to kind of upset. what is going on??

Brittany POV
We all exchange looks as we all know something Alex doesnt.
"Hey babe. How was your day?" trevor walks in after work. he gives me a peck on the lips before turning the mail and scooping up Riley giving her a kiss and a cuddle.
"It was good. I got some more script memorisation done and taught James to walk a bit further. I love staying at home." I reply
"I know you----" he was cut off by a short pause from him reading the next letter. he put riley down and opened it.

"It's from Zac. he said to tell Alex that he's sorry." he said
"What? let me look?" I ask grabbing it from him. he passes it to me and I read it again
"I can't believe this!" I say outraged.
"He can just leave at a time like this!!" I say
"What are we going to do the wedding is tomorrow?" trevor says actually looking worried.
'I have no idea but we have to think fast." I say
"Oh! I got it! I am going with Isaac to go and look for him while you and the girls and kids distract Alex but try and not rev her up as much as the wedding may not be on at this rate." he says
"Perfect! Great idea hun! I am so lucky to have you!" I say beige leaning in and kissing him again
"I know. I know. anyways I got to go. keep Alex occupied and ill talk to you later?" he tells me before giving me another kiss and heading out he door.
"Sound like a plan!" I reply

I get Riley and James into the car and get riley to call every cast member to come over to the park straight away as she knows how to talk to them on the phone. I ask them to go to the park to discuss how we are going to distract Emily. like a team meeting

Sure enough in 15 minutes flat they all start arriving at the park and we start our meeting
In the end we decided to maybe have like a fashion parade I show off our bridesmaid dresses to Alex and see what one she likes best.
We all drove to Alex's ad we knocked on her door

"Come in"she says
"Hey Alex it's the girls. we thought we'd have a girls night you know pre wedding while the boys have a guys night. how does that sound?" i say walking in
"Perfect. do you guys want any drinks?" she asks
"Wine please" vic says
"Champagne" jennie says
"Wine" Jordan says
"Wine" taveeta says
"Champagne please alex" Logan says
"Just mineral water will be fine" I say. Everyone just laughs.
"Oh Britt. 3 times- 27 months must be really hard." Jordan says joking
"Yeah trust me it is" I say laughing
'But it's all worth it in the end" I quickly add

After 3 hours of a next step version of Americas Top models get a call from Trevor. I quickly excuse myself from the group and go out to he back yard
"Hey? How's it going?" I ask
"Not good. We are at his work office at the set. We need another girl." he says
"The more the merrier" he adds
"Ok I will sen vic. All good here told Alex that you were on guys night. I will just lie and say that Isaac desperately wanted vic. please find him Trev- she is so excited and would be so devastated if the wedding was cancelled." I say nearly tearing up

"I will babe- he will get found I promise." he says reasurringly
"Ok love you. Vic should be at the set in 10. bye" I say
"Love you too. Good luck." then hangs up
I quickly get vic and tell her the news and she leaves while I explain to the group that Isaac desperately need her winking in disguise at everyone but Alex. I was disappointed. We still hadn't found Zac.

********BACK TO REALITY*********

Victoria POV
I am still out with the guys looking for zAc. we couldn't find him anywhere last night so we went back home and slept at my place. this morning was the wedding and we had to find him. The only place we could think of was the underground dance place they went to ages ago. he loved it there and claimed it was his favourite place.

Sure enough he was and so jut as we found him we put him in the back seat of our car and drove back to their house. I was walking down the hallway and heard Brittany talking
"So here's the truth Alex. And before I say anything- I just want to say that we love you and we are hear for you and we support you 100%." She pauses while Alex nods
"We can't find Za---" she starts but hen I walk in and quietly behind Alex's back give her the thumbs up and she nods and then I walk back out
"C's vest. We can't find Zacs vest. yes that's right. it's gone and we re jut so so sorry Alex." she says
"Aww Britt it's ok. we'll find it." Alex says hugging Britt
I go back out to the car and tell the guys to rush off and get ready while I go back into the house a second time to help get ready with the girls.

This is going to be so much fun........

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