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Alex POV
The door swings open and there is my husband standing there.
"Hey zac. We were actually just talking about you" my mum says standing up and greeting him. Zac moves closer towards them and shakes my dads hand. My dad who has the baby hands Chloe to Zac who carefully puts her back into her crib
"Isn't she adorable?" My mum says
"She's.....she's pretty amazing. A lot like em actually. Just beautiful" he says and with this inside I'm tearing up. I can't believe that he thinks that about a gorgeous baby and then leaves and kisses becky g potentially spoiling her father daughter relationship. Unbelievable.

"That's nice Zac. You make such a great dad to Emily and definitely Chloe- we are so lucky to have you" my mum says and Zac turns to me, guilty look on his face and right now I feel the tears. They're streaming down my face
"Alex? What's wrong?" My dad asks
"Oh you know what you just touching. Post natal hormones dad. Happens all the time to me. If you'd excuse us just for a second though" I lie tears flowing everywhere and my mum looking at me sympathetically. Dad looks really scared and Zac looks like he's going to faint.
"Oh darling. We were going to leave anyway. Chloe is beautiful sweetie. You two should be so proud. You make the best couple. The best parents" my mum says and then I start crying even more.
They give me and Zac both hugs and then leave- quietly shutting the door behind them.

In all- the hospital are getting benefits because what's about to go down. Is going to be more than just loud. I burst into more tears after they leave and eventually I can't take it. I turn myself around so I'm not facing him and just cry and cry. Zac stand at there until he finally speaks up.
"Alex. Can I please talk to you?" He asks and I nod my head shyly. I guess I should give him a chance but this is it though. His final chance. Last words. If he blows it- we're over. I wipe away my tears trying to clear my red blotchy eyes and turn around facing him who is kneeling down if front on my bed.

"Listen Alex. I'm so so so so so sorry. I honestly got a coffee and a muffin after being attacked by the shopkeeper with questions about me, sat down and she came. Then literally 20 words in, she kissed me. There was no time to pull away. It was a 3 second kiss and I swear to god she's going to get it big from the media. Alex- it meant nothing to me. In fact I think it was utterly rude that she did that, straight after the birth of our second child- she purposely had to come in and ruin our relationship. Probably for the impact of herself. For publicity. For attention. But it hasn't worked. Alex, you will always be mine. Always have been- always will. I can say nothing else about you except that you are just such an amazing person. In my eyes you are incredible, brave, confident, extremely talented, an amazing mother, perfect wife, excellent sister and Aunty to almost all of our cast mates and Alex there is nothing else but that. You are beautiful in every single way, I love your effort towards everything you - always have the house to absolute perfection, clean all the carpets until they're spotless, make sure nothing is left out in the rain when it's poring even if it means you getting wet, making sure we get to dance on time, making sure Emily has the best childhood ever. Al I loved that about you and everything you do makes me happy. Everyday with you makes me more and more happier. Can you please just forgive me? I swear to god she kissed me and I had no possible time to pull away as she slammed her lips onto me. Alex you're mine. It's only you. Always will be." He finishes and I can't help but weakly smile. I sigh heavily and stare at him for a while tying to make my mind up. I wipe away more soft tears from my face before turning and looking him directly in the eyes. This is the dead truth.
"Zac. You know I can't forgive you as I can't trust you yet but I'm going to pull a jiley and no that doesn't mean you have to complete a list of risks on a list. I want you to find a way to prove to me that you love me- nobody else. It could be anything in world- anywhere anytime. And if you can do that I will have full trust in you." I tell him and he smiles leaning in for a hug. I accept it because I am his wife and he needs the support right now- not sympathy but support.
"Thank you Alex. I love you you know that and I understand exactly what you're at. I'm willing to give this a go. Anything for you because like I said- you are mine. You always have and ku always will."
"Yeah I do. Thanks Zac. We are still together. Still parents. We can still sleep together- just not like that and we can still be a couple. I just won't have full trust in you. Or at least not yet" I tell him and he weakly smiles pulling me in for another hug.

I wonder if this will work? I love him so much but all my faith for him is like a star in the sky right now and all I need to do is find it again. Find that star- it may be hard to find but its there. Somewhere. And I will find it.

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