The start of something new...

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Brittany pov
I walk through the hospital room doors and I am met with my beautiful family. My husband sitting in a chair nearly asleep waiting patiently and my children peacefully sleeping on the beds.
"hey" Trev whispers as I take a chair and kiss him as I sit down
"hi. how's riles?"
"she's good. yeah she can go home tomorrow. they put a cast on. I signed it see" he says pointing to her arm that has a message written on from Trevor
"aww that's sweet. Your reaction when she gets pregnant will just be the funniest when she's older but for now she's daddy's little girl" I say leaning to give him a side hug as he kisses my head
"well look at the state she's in. she's my star and always will be" he says smiling
"hey!!! What happened to me?" I ask giggling
he chuckles "you're my #1 star; she's just my star"
"that's more like the Trevor I know" I say giving him another kiss on the lips
"So. How's Alex?" he asked. I pause before answering
"not at all good. definitely not in the New York State of mind. After I told her to meet me at our house she blurted through all the tears and stutters that she was pregnant" I announce. Trevor looks like he has just seen a ghost.
"she what!!?" he asks panicky but calmly
"she pregnant with #2"i repeat
"oh. well then why is she so upset?" Trevor asks
"because." I pause. "Zac isn't the father"

I swear Trevor turns pale after that

Victoria POV
Me and Maddie and Isaac stayed at home today. we were all super tired and just needed rest. We heard the news about Riley and we didn't want to go over there as we would cause more stress. We will make a drop in tomorrow though as Britt told me that she is coming home for the hospital tomorrow.
Chloe has given everyone the day off tomorrow as we need it. Lets face it- the cast have been through an up and down roller coaster ride since this show started and she said that there were a lot of dramatic incidents happening throughout the lives of some cast members at then moment so she just said to take a chill pill.

I hop into bed and snuggle up to Isaac in my nice warm pjs as we just sit there talking
"so do you think it's a girl or a boy?" he asks me, kissing my head softly
"boy. not as many symptoms his time"
"well I can't disagree with that. women can only state that opinion." he says as I chuckle
"yeah babe?"
"how do we manage 2 at once? I mean we are so busy now balancing work, out social lives and Maddie. how will we do both?" I ask sounding worried
"there's nothing to worry about. but the time we have the baby, the show will be over. well the filming anyway and by that time we Will or you might have a break in career to look after them for a while"he says calmly
"oh yeah you're right ok. thanks babe you always calm me down" I say smiling looking up at him
"that's my middle name" he says and I giggle
"goodnight Isaac" I say giving him a kiss and making myself comfy
"goodnight beautiful" he replies. then the lights are switched off and all is peaceful

*********NEXT MORNING********
I wake up and check in Maddie who is fast asleep. I start making my way downstairs and turn on the TV and the kettle, boiling myself a cup of tea. Isaac makes his way down the stairs in less than 5 minutes after I had sat myself down
"hey babe" he says walking over to me and giving me a kiss
"good morning"
"you look cosy"
"well yeah it's Monday and we have NO WORK" I say mentally celebrating
"haha yeah. what were you thinking of doing?" he asks but before I could answer I rush to the bathroom and make it just in time to throw up
Isaac comes running in after me

"Victoria? Hun? Are you ok?" he asks as he brings in a glass of water
"Yeah. I'm fine" I say taking the water and washing it down
"sucks hey?" he asks and I start giggling
"it's nice that you have sympathy for me" I reply and he chuckles
"what else do I say? Suck it up princess, it's part of being pregnant?" I giggle standing up, making my way to the kitchen
"you wouldn't" I joke
"I wouldn't dare. So answering my question, where would you like to go today?" he asks me
"We could go to Walmart?" I ask him
"great idea! 10 sound ok?" he asks smirking
"yeah perfect! I'll go and get Maddie while you have your breakfast and we'll get ready and then while you get ready I'll feed her and just chill. we have about 2 hours don't we?" I say calmly
"yep!" he says as I walk up the stairs to greet my beautiful daughter.

of course k find her crying as she needs to be woken up...

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