A day in the Life of the Lupien's

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Victoria POV
So as the cast all set back to work today on set or everyone apart from Alex and Zac we are just all so tempted to know what they are doing on their honeymoon. Will they make another baby? I know that Alex wouldn't stop crying for a week if she found out that she was pregnant.

Britt has reached the 4th month now which is just over the 16th week where she is continuing to have morning sickness and is really starting to show. he thinks she is having a girl but Trevor thinks they are having a boy; trust them both to say that though. hahaha. I can't believe that they are having another baby though like they must be really lucky when it comes to sex. I've talked to Isaac and he said maybe we should wait a bit until we have anther child especially since Britts pregnant- again, Jennie's had a miscarriage and Alex can't have a child; there is just too much drama.

Some Alex and Zac have been away for 2 days now, they asked if Isaac an I could take care of Emily while they're away and I've got to say even though she's quite a handful, she is just too adorable and such a cute goddaughter. well she calls me aunts Vic but technically I'm not related by blood so I'm her godmother.

When she was little she used to think I was her fairy godmother so I pretended to be one and every time she would want something from her special fairy godmother I would get it for her. it was cute and whenever she got why she wanted she would always squeal and jump up and down like little girls do. I love her to pieces and I hope that Maddie can grow up to be just like her- I can definitely see them getting along. Emily already, since he got here, has been feeding Maddie and picking out her outfit for the day and reading her stories. Every time i see them together just creating such warmth throughout the room, it just makes me think about how badly I want another child but I really do understand where Isaac is coming from and at the moment, with all of those dramatist issues going along throughout the next step family, I think it's best to just keep the sperm in (if you know what I mean hahahahahahahahah)

"Victoria." I suddenly zone out of my thoughts and come out and relive reality again
"Babe. We're going home now. I checked your filming schedule and we both don't have anything on so we are going and having a movie night with Maddie and Em. sound ok?" Isaac comes closer to me, whispering it into my ears
"Sound alright to me. Are the girls in their private room?" I ask
"Yeah they are. Come on we'll go and get them" he replies. we walk down the hallway and get to the kids room. we peep our heads around the corner and stand at the doorway watching as the girls play together. they are just too cute. I turn around at Isaac without letting him remove his hands from around my waist, and give him a short but passionate kiss.
"I love you" I say
"I love you way more" he says. I smile and then turn my head around and snap a picture of them playing with the dollhouse and send it to Emily with the comment:
'Girls playing with dollhouse. Just adorable. We came to check in them and bring them home and we can't even here what they're saying they're so quiet. miss you. hope you're having the best time and I didn't catch you at the wrong moment. haha. Vic xox'
Then I turn my phone off and force myself away form Isaac and walk into the room

"Hey girls. what are you playing?" I ask
"Dolls. look aunty Vic this one looks like you. and this one looks like Aunt Brittany." she says showing me a blonde haired doll who is standing on the floor of the dollhouse and a brunette with a large tummy which Emily has stuffed with toilet paper as Britt is pregnant and it's obvious that that one is her. I laugh and scoop Maddie up
"Come on Em. we're going home now. it's movie and pizza night for being such a good girl while aunty Vic and uncle Isaac work." I announce while Isaac takes Emily's hand and we walk out of the set

"What movie girls?" Isaac asks as we drive home
"Frozen 4" Emily says excitedly
"Oh. Really? I have seen that movie more than enough times with Riley. do you remember when Frozen the first one came out Isaac?" I ask him
"Yeah we saw it as a cast I think. It was funny Let it go will never get old. maybe we should watch that? Hey Em have you seen the first Frozen movie?" he asks her
"No I don't think so. but can we?" he asks
"Sure anything is better than frozen 4. We have it on DVD at home. do you want cheese pizza Em?" I ask while ordering it on my phone
"Yes please" she replies

And with that I order the pizza, get the girls in their pjs once we're all at home and settle in watching the first frozen movie with pizza in our hands. I post the picture I sent to Emily on Instagram and Twitter too with a caption
' A day in the life of Miss Maddie and Miss Emily. #thedollhousedays #workdays #occupyyourself #mygirls @IAmAlBeaton' and turn my phone off. I don't think she has changed her account name yet as she is now Alex Vran but she is on her honey moon; so who cares!!

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