All good things come in 3's....or do they??

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Trevor POV

As Christmas drew to a close and new year came upon us, the cast were nearly finished filming at least half the movie, having being filming for nearly a year. It was about 1 year since we went to Australia, January now, and we were all still just chilling around the house. Hawaii would be in June cause hats the start of summer over here and everyone who went to our house for Christmas would be turning up, Victoria being very careful cause she would be 6 1/2 weeks pregnant then which was a risk but we wanted her to come.

Everyone was happy. Emma was readjusting to the life of being a Tordjman and was excited to be around. She is so adorable and reminds me of when Riley was little. She adores Riley. Just loves her. I think they will have a very sisterly bond when they're older exactly like Alex and Riley on the next step, as well as Britt and Sam in real life.

Today we are catching up with Brittany's mum and dad as well as her sister Sam and husband Mike and two children Chloe and Max. They are adorable and love me.....I mean us! We are catching up with them cause we only saw our parents over Christmas which was 2 days after Christmas Day and we also haven't seen our nephew and niece for Christmas either since they were with Mike's family.

"Ready to go babe?" Britt asks having Emma in her arms and Riley and James on the couch.
"Yep lets go!" I say
"Come on Riley, James. Hop in the car we we going to Grandmas and Grandpas. Quick quick!" I say grabbing James and putting him on my shoulders as Riley giggles getting in the car. I can't believe she is 4 nearly 5. That's ridiculous! My little baby girl is nearly 5 and going to school next year. Wow they grow up so fast. It's Riley and I's 5 year wedding anniversary this year too. In a couple of weeks actually. And boy do I have a surprise for her. It will need a lot of planning and preparation though.

We strap the children in and I hop in the drivers seat and start the engine. we finally get to Britts mum and dads and Riley is already squealing of excitement! We get the box full of presents for everyone and patiently knock at the door.

"Brittany. Trevor. Come in" Brittany's mum Lynn and Dad John (making it up cause I don't know their real names! anyone know? haha) say as they greet us at the door.
"Hi Grandma!" riley says sweetly
"Hey gorgeous girl how is my perfect Riley going today?" Lynn says
"Very well thankyou Grandma" she replies. Lynn smiles and then turns to me
"Trevor? how are you doing?" she asks me as I lift James up off the ground and onto my hip while giving Lynn a kiss on the cheek and John a handshake.
"Well thankyou. how are you?" I ask
"Good thankyou Trevor" she replies
"That's wonderful. come on James. Lets go find some toys for you to play with hey?" I say as I bring James into the little playroom they have at their house especially for the children when they come over

"Wow! look at that! trains as cars James" I talk to him as he picks up the toy car and starts beeping the horn
"That's right. Broom Broom! thus the car noise" I say
"Broom. Broom" James says pausing between the two words.
"Yes James. good boy" I say before leaving him with riley in the room who is playing with barbies and doll houses again before going back out to the lounge room to get something to drink and nibble on as Britt calls it!

"........and just as she got down all of her water spilt everywhere. I was angry but cracking up inside cause it was pretty funny. Trevor!" Britt says as I walk into the room
"Oh no I was just telling mum about how Riley and James were painting the other day and just as Riley got out of her seat she knocked the water everywhere and onto the floor. remember that?" she says giggling
"Yeah she's a pretty funny little girl" I say laughing
"What did she paint?" John asks as he hands me a beer
"Thankyou. ah she painted a flower with red petals and a green stem and in the middle she wrote as nearly as she could: James is my flower" I say proudly
"Awww she did. how sweet. can she manage all that writing? she must be very clever." Lynn says
"Well I helped her with James and flower but she is learning to spell now the little short words such as on, it, to, if, an and stuff like that. she is very clever" Britt says as we picks up a biscuit with Camembert cheese on it and salami.
"Just like you" I say smiling

She looks at me and smiles before leaning her head against my shoulders burying it slightly into my chest.
"Haha Thankyou. Hey Trevor can you reach into my bag just next to you and get the painting that Riley painted. I brought it with me to show them all" she asks me
"Sure" I reply before searching through her handbag.

I go through many things including lip balm and food and Emma's pacifier as well as her wallet. Then I come across what looks like a pregnancy test. What? I'm confused! I'm fine with it and all but why so quickly? We just had Emma!!??

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