Chilling with the Fam

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Trevor POV
"More cheese daddy!!" Riley squeals as we sprinkle the mozzarella cheese all over our home made pizzas.
"More cheese hey? Ok. Here you can do it babe" I tell her and she smiles as she steps up on the stool as she can't reach the bench without extra height and sprinkles it creatively all over the base with our meat lovers topping spreader over. So far we have cabanossi, salami, ham, bacon, sausage and BBQ sauce poured over it. The cheese goes on the top and turns out amazing. It is our family's all time favourite pizza. That's why we made it.

"BEEP BEEP" a car horn siren goes off and we turn to see Jennie and Lamar get out of their car and run over to their bench with all the ingredients, emit trailing behind.
"Hey guys!!" Britt calls out
"Hi!! Thanks for the extra 10 minutes. We had to sort a few things out at the hospital" Jennie says
"Like with the baby?" Victoria asks confused
"No no. Something else......don't worry. It's in the past now. Emily forgot her jumper anyways so we had to go in and find that." Jennie explains
"Well yeah I went in and found that" he corrects her and I chuckle
"Alright babe. Let's start. Emily you get the flour and Lamar you turn on the oven" Jennie instructs and I laugh at their high intensive organisation skills before getting back to work on our pizza.
"Ok Ri. This pizza is done! What do you think?" I ask her taking my phone out. She sneaks in a piece of the salami and I smirk
"Riley!!" I laugh as she scoops it all in her mouth
She giggles and it's the cutest thing ever."Sorry Daddy. It's so yummy" she says and I laugh
"Of course. Now get in the photo." I say directing her towards the pizza. I snap a pic and then mentally note myself to post it on Instagram later as if I did it now they would be able to see what we've done and this IS a competition after all.

Alex POV
I hear the door creak open and to my surprise it's my parents probably wanting to see the baby.
"Hi" my mum says softly coming over to my bed
"Hey you guys" I reply wiping away the tears and trying not to look too upset
"How are you sweetie? Tired?"
"Yeah. Extremely" I reply to dad
"How was the labour?" Mum asks
"It was good. A lot better than Ems I think. Only a couple of hours which is a lot more convenient. I went into labour at the beach. We were there this morning" I tell her and she weakly smiles sitting down next to my dad on the hospital chairs
"Had many visitors?"
"Well I'm surprised you came down all this way actually. But all of the cast came as they all saw me break down on the sand and then all the children as well. They loved seeing the baby." I tell them and they smile again
"Well. Can we see her?" Dad asks impatiently
"Oh! Of course!!" I say starting to get up
"No no no Alex sit down. You need rest." My mum says and I softly groan as I remove myself from my feet
"She's just in the crib on top there" I point and they turn around to Chloe sleeping. They stand up and start awwwing and stroking her head softly. I can see from my bed and then the tears come again
"Why are you crying Alex?"
"I don't know. It's just you guys are my family and it's great to see you come together with my daughter" I admit and mum smiles tears fogging her sight as well.
"On that. Where the man? Zac? He should be here. And em. Where are they Alex?" My dad asks and I immediately just start bawling my eyes out- tears streaming everywhere. I can't do this. Talk about them in front of them. What am I going to say?
"Emily's with the cast and left a few minutes ago. They are having a pizza challenge cook off" I explain and they nod.
"Who's on what team?" My dad asks
"It should be interesting because I saw on Instagram about an hour ago there was a post I think Victoria posted it. She wrote and I quote 'Just a casual pizza cook off with the fam' unquote" he says reading it directly off his phone. I chuckle- that sounds exactly like Victoria.
"And then she used the hashtags #casualmondays #we'remakingpepperoni #ilovetheseguys" he says and I laugh again
"Yeah they are competing one on one. Just team against team. Like you said it should be really one interesting dad. They are or we all are really so so close together. We just never usually compete and when we do- for example that mall asking people if they were gay thing it just becomes a big laugh in the end. Nobody cares if they win or lose- just if they have fun and that's exactly what we do." I admit to him and he nods his head in agreement
"Yeah exactly. Anyway sweetheart you never told us about Zac. Where is he?" Dad asks as I look over to mum who has Chloe and is rocking her back and forth. She is amazing with kids. Always has and always will be- that's probably why I am who I am today.

I pause thinking what I am about to say. Should I tell them? Should I spill?
Then the door opens.....

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