Sirens and Screams

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Brittany POV
I literally sprint to the garden to find riley on the ground squealing in pain. James crying from shock. I turn to trevor and he has the same expression as me.
"Riley honey. what happened?" I asked her
"" she manages to get out
"Oh baby come here its ok" I say giving her a squeeze.
"Babe can you run inside an get an ice pack and call the ambulance. I just want to get it treated that's all" I say in a hurry
He runs back into the kitchen, scooping up James as he left me and Riley
"Are you ok honey?" I ask her
"Yeah mum im......ow ow I'm not fine." she says panicking and at that point I hear a snap.
"Trevor!!!!!!" I scream and he runs in sprinting over towards us
"It just snapped." I said
"The bone. she's broken her army we need ambulance" I say
"Babe relax. Its ok everything will be ok. they are on their way right now as I explained to them about 2 minutes ago. Riley you just stay like that" Trevor says as James comes in.
"Here ill with her just go with James and take him inside. he doesn't need to see this, when the ambulance comes tell them to come out here." I tell him
"Ok" he gives me a kiss before permanently jogging back inside with James.

After about 10 minutes of freezing still in the one position, the ambulance came and they picked Ri up and onto the stretcher they has bought. I decided to go with them while Trevor stayed back with James and Emma making sure that until em woke up, they would stay at our house. When she awoke, thy would come to us to visit Riley in the hospital.

We got their and Riley was admitted to a private room where she was checked upon giving her multiple tests and scans before deciding hat she would need a cast for her arm. she would probably need to stay over the night and possibly tomorrow. I say down in the chair and called Victoria.
"Brittany are you ok?" she asks on the first ring
"Yeah in fine. riley isn't. we're at the hospital. they were playing in the sand pit when Riley hurt her arm and started screaming. trevor and I raced out there and not long after that I heard her bone on her arm snap. 10 minutes later she was admitted to this hospital and here we are about to be out into the process of placing a cast on her arm. The poor things birthdays in two weeks as well." I manage to explain in one take to Victoria
"Oh Britt honey. you must be really upset. We will let you have your space as a family though, hopeful be able to see riles in a few days. you will be at set on Monday? " he asks
"I'm not too sure. might be anger family day at home just for Riley" I explain
"Yeah right no worries I totally understand. where are the rest of our gang? trevor? James?" she asks
"Oh they're all at home. once the cast is on, they will come. I just didn't want James seeing all this especially since they are so close." I say
"Yeah i understand. hey I started having morning sickness again his morning! I think it's a boy" she explains all excited
"Vic you're not supposed to be happy. morning sickness is hell" I say chuckling
"No I'm happy at all since duh it's morning sickness but with Maddie I had so much more and that's why cause I'm not being as sick as much I think it's a boy. I want to find out though. Isaac doesn't. dont know why" she says giggling
"Well that gives you a 99% advantage my friend. Apparently Trevor's mum did it when he was born. since you know the gender and he doesn't- that means you can get the name you want. just say you want Evelyn cause you know it's a girl and he says Jake because he thinks its a boy. you tell him that he can name it any name And he gets that gender. And then in the end it doesn't end up being jake it ends up being Evelyn because you know it's a girl. but you can't tell him you know otherwise it spoils it. and it in the end you get what you want." I explain laughing
"Genius. I mean that idea is genius. i am totally using that. thanks Britt! knowing Isaac it will work perfectly. hey listen I've got to go. chat later?" she says sweetly
"Yeah sure ok bye" I say
"Bye britt. I hope Riley is ok" she says
"She will be." I reply
"Ok bye"
I hang up and turn to Riley who is how fast asleep with a pink cast on her arm. the poor baby. perfect time to take a photo.
I take a photo of her sleeping and post it on twitter and instagram
'Sometimes sandpits are more like battle fields....
#mypoorbabygirl #getbettersoonriley @trevorflanny'

I post it before dialling Trevor's number and he tells me that he is on his way. soon enough he rushed through the door with James and Emma in his arms.
"Riley!" he says
"Shhh" I say putting my finger on my lips
"Sorry" He mouths through his lips. I nod my head as he places a kiss on my head taking a seat next to me.
"How is she?" he asks
"Yeah getting better. just really tired" I tell him
"That's understandable. I saw your posts. James couldn't stop crying after you guys left. really overwhelmed" he said as he hands him to me
"Oh buddy are you ok? do you miss your sister hey?" I coo balancing him on my lap
He nods looking sad before dozing off in my lap.

I is 8:00 at night. We haven't eaten since lunch. too much dram for one day.

Until I get the phone call. The phone call that could end an era for a pair very close to my heart....

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