How to be a father

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Brittany POV
"Riley do you want a bacon and egg roll or just bacon and egg?"
"I want pancakes" she pouts
"Well we don't have pancakes sweetheart. It's just bacon and eggs today"
"Well I'm not eating then" she sulks and I sigh
"Trevor." I tell Trevor to deal with her
"Riley. Do you remember Niagara Falls? The one we visited last summer?"  He asks her and she slowly nods her head. I pass James a bit of bacon and egg and he starts eating. All eyes are on Trevor and Riley at the moment.
"You liked it right? I remember you wouldn't stop talking about it for months and at school you brought in a souvenir to show everyone at show and tell" Trevor says to her passing more bacon around while he talks to her. He's so casual and calm. I just get frustrated. That's what I like about him
"Oh yeah. It was flowing and flowing. I got wet too" she squeals and eventually smiles at him
"Well then miss riles why  don't I give you an egg that looks and tastes exactly like that? It is a very special one though- you have to look after it" he says calmly and I smile at Trevor who winks at me among everyone awwww. I giggle as Riley takes the egg and starts eating it
"Mm mm yummy daddy" she says as she has the really gooey fried egg, hence why we name it a Niagara Falls egg.
"He's so good with her" Victoria who is setting next to me whispers
"Daddy's little girl that's why. Trust me with James it would be a 'just eat it james' and then he would eat it. With Ri it's much different" I whisper back and she smiles. Trevor comes and sits next to me after everyone is served and is mid way through eating
"How do you do it?" I ask and briar laughs
"I am cool, calm and collected. Babe that's why I woke you up this morning at 5 am because you need to chill"
"Thanks Trev" I say giving him a kiss and I'm almost certain that every adult in the room looks away
"Guys we're eating" Myles says and I chuckle
"And so are we" Trevor replies taking a bite of his roll.
"So. What's the plan for today guys? Day 2 are we at?" Lamar asks as he takes a sip of his coffee
"Yeah. I was thinking maybe taking the kids on a bush walk this morning. This site has a variety and they're run by the campsite manager. Maybe we could do that and then have a fire on the beach tonight?" Victoria suggests and everyone nods
"Ok cool. I picked up a brochure when we checked in yesterday and there are two times: 11:00 this morning and then 3 this afternoon. Probably easiest to get the morning done and then we can come back and chill for a while and then have the fire"
"I swear Vic- how are you an actress? You should be an event organizer!!" Jennie says and I laugh and Isaac chuckles
"You should see her at home with the kids- she has a list of things she leaves for the baby when we don't take the kids into set and the list is full on colored coded and labelled and in a table. It's amazing" he says and she laughs
"Well. When I was younger it was my dream job" she admits
"To be an organizer?" Jennie clarifies taking a sip of her coffee
"Yeah. I just loved stationery when I was little and sorting out my room and labeling everything making sure everything was neat." She says and I smile.
"I do remember actually when we were filming TNS the first season and we got the scripts. Hers always were in a plastic sleeve, highlighted for her parts, neat ruled notes underneath. I remember being jealous that I wasn't that organized. It was fantastic" I say as I stand up picking up the kids plates as they are done. Victoria laughs again and then helps me clear up.

Trevor POV
"This over here is the very rare tree. It's an American native tree and has been here for hundreds of years. You are more than welcome to touch it" the tour guide Manager informs us as we all move over to the tree and start touching it.
"Questions so far?" He asks no one has any so we keep moving. We are towards the end so that was the last tree apparently
"This one is the last site. This bridge you are about to walk over is very special to our camp area. Tourists come over here all the time just to see this bridge" he tells us and we all nod our head. This was a private tour- only for us so even though it was sort of interesting, at least the guide wasn't getting boring and impatient.
"Thanks guys for coming. The exit is just through there" he says pointing to a small pathway exit.
"Thank you" we all say kindly before making our way back to the site.
"Alright who's coming fishing?" I announce and all the kids put their hands up as do all the guys. None of the adult girls come so I guess it's just father- children time .
"Ok. Come on. Grab your fishing rods and we'll go now" I tell the very excited kids as they squeal grabbing their rods.

And then we heard this scream.

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