Puck (Quicketh)

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"Babe, we're gonna sing happy birthday to Beth." Quinn said as she entered the house with the two-year-old on her hip.

"I'll be right there." Puck nodded, turning back to Finn.

Quinn looked at him.

Puck got up and grabbed his beer bottle. "I'm coming."

"Okay." Quinn said, leading the boys outside.

Mercedes lit the candles and everyone began singing happy birthday to Beth.

"Blow out the candles, princess." Puck smiled.

Quinn looked at Beth as the pair leaned over the cake and blew out the candles together.


Beth smiled as she clapped her hands.

"Happy birthday, Beth." Quinn said softly as she kissed her cheek.

"Happy birthday, Monkeyface." Puck added as he smudged Beth's name on the cake and wiped it on her nose.

Quinn rolled her eyes and smiled as she looked at Beth's nose.

"It's good luck." Puck shrugged.

"Baby, can you cut the cake?" Quinn requested, wiping the icing off of Beth's nose.



"Hey, have any of you seen Noah?" Quinn asked, joining the boys at the grill.

"He said he was gonna run out for a pack of cigarettes." Finn noted.

"That was a while ago." Mike added, glancing at his phone.

"He probably just got distracted by something else." Sam stated. "I'm sure he'll be back soon."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "Yeah, if you see him before I do, tell him I'm looking for him."

"We will."


"Hey." Santana said at the end of the night. "I'm gonna take off."

"Thanks for coming." Quinn replied. "Is Beth with Noah?"

Santana furrowed her eyebrow. "No, she's with Mercedes. I thought Puck was out here with you."

Quinn shook her head. "I thought he was inside."

"He's not back yet?" Santana questioned Quinn.

Quinn bit her lip as she took out her phone. She started texting and calling Puck, and Santana did the same.

"I'm gonna go drive around." Santana decided.

Quinn nodded and excused herself to find Mercedes.

"B, time for bed. It's late." Quinn said, keeping her eyes on her phone.

"Why?" Beth responded.

"Because it's late and everyone's going home." Quinn repeated. "Grandma's gonna tuck you in. Say goodnight and thank you to everyone."

"Nighty night." Beth said, hugging her aunts and uncles before running off to Quinn's mom, who was waiting for her.

Quinn continued scrolling through her phone. She looked at Puck's location, but found that his phone was home.

Quinn excused herself and went inside. She threw her phone and took a deep breath.

"Hey." Finn said, entering the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"Noah's missing." Quinn answered. "He never came back after he went out for cigarettes."

"We'll find him." Finn promised. "I'm sure he's fine."

"Has he said anything to you?" Quinn questioned Finn. "About us?"

Finn furrowed his eyebrow.

"He's been acting strange ever since I told him about Yale." Quinn informed Finn. "I thought he'd put it aside for one day so we could celebrate our daughter's birthday."

"Well, maybe he-"

"This is so typical of him." Quinn cut Finn off, shaking her head. "Disappearing and being irresponsible. All I wanted was one nice day for Beth. I didn't think that was a lot to ask from him."

"I'm sure there's a good reason." Finn stated. "I'll try calling him."

"He left his phone." Quinn told Finn. "Santana's out looking for him, but..."

Quinn trailed off as the back door opened and Puck entered.

"Hey." Puck said softly, holding up a pack of cigarettes. "I got my cigarettes."

"Do you realize how long you've been gone?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Yeah, but I can explain." Puck offered.

"I'm not letting you ruin Beth's birthday." Quinn shook her head. "I'm going to bed."

"I saw my dad." Puck blurted.

Quinn paused.

"I saw my dad." Puck repeated. "He needed money."

"How much did you give him?" Finn wondered.

"I didn't." Puck said. "I bought him a case of beer and we talked. I basically told him to go fuck himself."

"Are you okay?" Finn asked.

"Yeah." Puck replied, looking at Quinn. "I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you're okay." Quinn replied as she hugged Puck. When they parted, she looked at him. "You are okay, right? Really?"

Puck nodded. "Seeing him reminded me that I don't wanna make any of his mistakes. I wanna finish high school and stay with my family."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"I'm gonna graduate and I'm gonna come to New Haven with you and Beth." Puck decided. "If you'll have me."

"Of course I want you to come." Quinn said softly. "But only if you wanna be there."

"As long as I'm with you and Beth, I don't care where I am." Puck told Quinn with a smile.

Quinn smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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