Pause (Quick)

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A/N: another one from a deleted chapter of something


Puck opened the hotel room door and furrowed his eyebrow at the sight of Quinn there. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn said softly. "Can I come in?"

"I thought you wanted space." Puck noted.

"I did, but..."

"Come in." Puck sighed when Quinn trailed off, stepping back to make room for her.

Quinn stepped inside and waited while Puck closed the door.

Puck looked at Quinn. "Where's Beth?"

"She's with Santana." Quinn answered. "I wanted to wish you a happy birthday."

"Okay." Puck nodded slowly. "But you didn't have to come here. You could've called or texted me."

"I know." Quinn said.

"Is everything okay?" Puck questioned Quinn. "What's going on?"

Quinn didn't say anything.

"Why don't you come sit down and we can talk?" Puck suggested, gently taking Quinn's hands.

Puck led Quinn to the couch, and the pair sat down together.

"Is this about us?" Puck guessed.

"I wanted to talk about you." Quinn replied as she nervously picked at her nails.

"About me?" Puck asked. "If you came here to continue our fight-"

"I came here to end our fight." Quinn cut Puck off. She took a deep breath. "And to try to work things out. I wanna be with you."

"Well, we agreed that this is just a break." Puck reminded Quinn. "That we were gonna fix things."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Rachel has been helping me look into therapists these past few weeks." Puck stated. "I actually started seeing one last week. It's just the beginning so there haven't been any changes yet, but I'm surprisingly optimistic about it."

"That's really great." Quinn told Puck. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." Puck nodded.

Quinn looked at him.

"What is it?" Puck asked, knowing there was something else.

"I want you to come home." Quinn told Puck. "We already spent so much time apart when you were away, and I don't wanna fight anymore. I don't want Beth to wonder why you're not home anymore."

"When we spoke last week, you said you didn't want me coming back until-"

"I'm pregnant." Quinn blurted.

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