RIP Monkeyface part 2 (Quicketh/Jake)

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"Hey, thanks for coming over." Quinn said as she let Jake into the apartment and closed the door behind him.

"Thanks for calling." Jake replied. "Is Puck home?"

"No, he's out with Sam." Quinn answered.

Jake nodded slowly.

"So." Quinn began, sitting on the couch and gesturing for Jake to do the same. "I wanted to talk."

"Yeah." Jake said as he sat down.

"First, I wanted to apologize on behalf of Noah for punching you at the wake." Quinn began. "He-"

"He's upset." Jake finished. "I can't even begin to imagine what you guys have been going through these past few months."

"He was drinking a lot for the first month or two, but we're in couples counseling and individual therapy, and we're doing okay." Quinn explained.

"I'm glad you guys are getting help." Jake noted. "And I really am sorry about everything that happened."

"I don't blame you for what happened." Quinn clarified. "I just wanna know everything. Noah won't talk about it."

Jake looked at Quinn.

"Was she happy?" Quinn wondered. "Before the crash?"

"She was." Jake said, exhaling slowly. "She was making all of these jokes and asking me and Puck a bunch of silly questions."

Quinn looked at Jake, wanting to hear more.

"She asked us if we'd rather be a coconut tree or an oak tree." Jake told Quinn. "And she told us she loved us."

"Despite what he's said to you, Noah blames himself." Quinn told Jake. "He doesn't talk about it, but I know he feels like he should've done something else and he could've..."

Jake nodded slowly as Quinn trailed off. "Honestly, it all happened so fast. One minute Beth was making jokes, and the next, I was holding onto Puck while they were working on her."

Quinn bit her lip as tears pooled in her eyes. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "Do you think she suffered?"

"No." Jake shook his head. "I don't."

Quinn took another deep breath as she wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." Jake said softly as he comforted Quinn.

"I just found out I'm pregnant." Quinn blurted. "I haven't told anyone yet, and I don't know what I'm gonna do because Noah and I decided that we don't wanna have another baby now that Beth isn't here to be a big sister like she always wanted."

"You and Puck make great parents." Jake said. "But whatever you decide is-"

"I'm keeping it." Quinn cut Jake off. "That's not even up for discussion, and if I have to do it on my own, I'll move out and I'll do it."

"Puck's not gonna leave you." Jake told Quinn.

"He and I talked the other day." Quinn replied. "He doesn't want another baby anytime soon, and we agreed to wait to get married."

"Quinn." Jake frowned. "You and Puck continuing to live your lives isn't dishonoring Beth."

"I know, but..." Quinn took a deep breath. "We just lost her."

Before Quinn or Jake could say anything else, the front door opened and Puck entered. Quinn cleared her throat and wiped her eyes as she stood up.

Puck closed the door and froze when he saw Jake. "What's he doing here?"

"I invited him over." Quinn said softly. "I thought you were out with Sam."

"Some work thing came up." Puck answered. "Why did you call him?"

"To talk." Quinn replied, putting her hand out. "Come here."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow, but looked at Quinn. He sighed at the sight of how upset she was and took her hand, joining her and Jake.

Quinn and Puck sat down together. Puck had one hand on Quinn's back, rubbing it comfortingly, while he held her hand with his other hand.

"You love Jake." Quinn said softly as she looked at Puck.

"I would never call your sister and invite her over here." Puck told Quinn.

"This is different." Quinn replied. "You love Jake. He's your brother."

Puck took a deep breath as he looked at Jake. "Did Quinn tell you we're not gonna get married now?"

"She was just telling me." Jake nodded, glancing at Quinn.

"In my head I know it's not your fault, and I'm sorry. But I..." Puck took a deep breath. "I'm still processing this and trying to come to terms with it in therapy, but I've never been in this much pain in my entire life."

"I know." Jake said. "Well, I don't know. This is hard for me so I can't even begin to imagine how you guys feel. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you and I love you both."

"I'm sorry for punching you at the wake." Puck apologized.

"I forgive you." Jake replied as he stood up. "I should get out of here though. And let you guys be alone. I just wanted to make sure you knew that no matter what you say or do, I'm around."

"Thank you."

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