Pregnancy Test (Fuinneth)

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"Hey." Quinn said as she returned to the living room after tucking Beth in. "Let's go inside."

Finn shook his head. "I'm watching TV."

"Come on." Quinn replied, gently tugging on Finn's hand. "Beth's asleep."

"Do you have anything you wanna tell me?" Finn blurted.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"No?" Finn asked. "I saw a pregnancy test in the garbage when I was cleaning up from dinner."

"Right." Quinn muttered. "Well, it was negative so it's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about?" Finn echoed.

"I took it a few hours ago and didn't wanna bring it up in front of Beth." Quinn explained. "But it was negative so it doesn't matter."

Finn didn't say anything.

"We're not ready for a baby." Quinn clarified. "That's why we don't have to worry. Because it isn't happening."

"You don't think I'm ready." Finn noted. "So you were freaking out."

"I wasn't freaking out." Quinn argued.

"But you don't think I'm ready." Finn repeated.

"I don't think either of us are ready." Quinn replied. "I wanna get married before I have another baby, and you..."

"What?" Finn wondered when Quinn trailed off.

"You're gonna be a good dad when the time is right." Quinn swore. "But right now, you're not ready. And neither am I. I have to talk to Beth about it."

"Why?" Finn questioned Quinn.

"Because I don't want her to be confused." Quinn said. "I don't want her to think I'm abandoning her and Puck for you and a new baby. And I want her to know she can always talk to me or ask me questions about anything."

Finn nodded slowly. "Okay, so those are your reasons for not being ready. What are mine? 'Cause I feel like I can handle it. I mean, Puck's been able to, so how hard could it really be?"

"A baby might not be like Beth." Quinn shook her head. "She was a good baby, but you still only had glimpses of that. You weren't there when she was teething and kept me and Noah up all night. You weren't there when Noah and I split up and had to figure out how to coparent her. We didn't get to where we are overnight."

"You don't think I know that?" Finn asked. "I saw a lot from Puck's side of things."

Quinn looked at Finn. "It's different. You got to walk away if it was too much because she wasn't your kid."

"If this is about the last time, I only freaked out because we were in high school and we were broke, but none of that is true anymore." Finn stated.

"Finn." Quinn sighed.

"I know it's not gonna be easy." Finn continued. "I know I'm gonna have to learn, but you and Puck both had to learn when it came to Beth. And we're gonna figure it out together."

"Not until I have a ring on my finger this time." Quinn said, shaking her head. "I'm going inside. You can come join me or you can stay here and overthink this."

"Did you tell anyone else about this?" Finn blurted.

"No." Quinn lied.

"So you took the test by yourself and no one knows you thought you could be pregnant?" Finn asked.

"I've gone through this before." Quinn reminded Finn. "I can pee on a stick on my own."

"Did you call Puck?" Finn wondered.

"No." Quinn lied again. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Because if I were you, I probably would've." Finn shrugged. "If you were freaking out about it, he could've calmed you down."

"I'm a big girl, Finn. I can take care of myself." Quinn stated. "Goodnight."

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