Period (Puck/Sarah/Quinn)

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"Noah!" Sarah screamed.

"What?" Puck yelled back, looking at Quinn.

Sarah didn't answer so Puck got up from the couch and ran upstairs to check on her.

"Sarah?" Puck called, knocking on the bathroom door. "You okay?"

"I need a doctor." Sarah said. "I'm bleeding, and it won't stop."

"Did you hurt yourself?" Puck wondered as Quinn joined him in the hall.

"No." Sarah answered as she opened the door. She wiped her eyes and looked at her brother and his girlfriend.

"Wait." Puck muttered. "How old are you?"

"Eleven and a half." Sarah said.

"Sarah." Puck began, taking a deep breath because it was the last conversation he wanted to have with his sister. "Was the blood on your underwear?"

Sarah nodded slowly.

"You're okay. That's normal." Puck assured her. "Mom never told you about this stuff?"

"Mom's never home." Sarah pointed out.

"Right." Puck muttered. "Well, let me see what we have here."

Sarah stepped out of Puck's way, and Puck entered the bathroom. He dug through the cabinets until he found menstrual pads.

"Okay." Puck began as he glanced at Quinn. "This is a pad. You open it and stick it to your underwear so it can catch the blood. It'll protect your underwear and your clothes, but you have to change it every couple of hours to avoid bacteria and prevent leaks."

Sarah bit her lip.

"If you wanna go swimming, you have to use a tampon." Puck continued. "Quinn can help walk you through that. And you can take some painkillers if you have stomachaches and cramps or whatever, okay?"

"Okay." Sarah said. "Will the bleeding stop?"

"It'll stop." Puck promised. "But it'll happen again every month until you're, like, Mom's age."

Sarah frowned.

"Feel free to jump in, Q." Puck muttered.

"Right." Quinn nodded. "Noah's right. You're gonna bleed three to five days every month and then it'll stop. It happens to give us the chance to get pregnant."

"I don't wanna get pregnant." Sarah replied.

"I know." Quinn said. "You and I can talk more about cycles and how to take care of ourselves whenever you're ready, okay?"

Sarah nodded.

"If you have any questions or need anything, I'm here." Quinn added. "Noah and I are both here."

"Thanks." Sarah said softly. "I'm gonna shower and get changed."

"We'll be downstairs then." Quinn told Sarah.


"Poor Sarah." Puck noted as he and Quinn sat down on the couch again. "I didn't think she'd have to worry about this until she was, like, thirteen."

"Yeah, I got mine shortly after my thirteenth birthday." Quinn told Puck. "It sucks, but we manage. She'll be okay."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "I'm really glad you're here for this."

"You don't need me. You handled that really well." Quinn responded. "I'm pretty impressed actually."

"Well, I wanted to try to be prepared in case." Puck shrugged. "I didn't want her to be embarrassed or afraid to ask questions."

"You never paid attention in any of our health classes or sex ed." Quinn pointed out. "When did you learn all of this?"

"Honestly." Puck said. "When I found out Beth was a girl."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"I always thought about raising her." Puck reminded Quinn. "So I was just trying to prepare myself in case I ended up doing it on my own."

"Really?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "We all know my mom isn't so hands-on, so I guess my brain held onto it after we gave her up so that I could explain things to Sarah."

Quinn nodded back.

"You and my mom can go further into detail with Sarah about gynecologist appointments and birth control and stuff." Puck added. "But I did my best."

"You were great with her, Noah. And you're gonna be a good father to a baby girl someday."

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