Custody (Quick)

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Quinn came back to reality and looked at her mom.

"We're here, sweetheart. Get the baby."

Quinn got out of the car and grabbed Beth. She made sure the four-month-old was bundled up enough in the Fall weather as she followed her mother inside.

Quinn and Judy sat down in the hallway while they waited for everyone else. They were early, so they were the first ones there.

Shortly after, Judy's lawyer appeared.

"Hi, ladies. Good news, no sign of Mr. Puckerman or anyone fighting for the paternal side, which guarantees that you'll get full custody."

"Perfect." Judy smiled, looking at Quinn.

Before Quinn could say anything, Beth started crying.

"I'll be right back." Quinn said, excusing herself to attend to Beth.

Quinn brought the baby to the bathroom and changed her diaper. She cradled her and gently rocked her until she calmed back down.

Quinn laid Beth back down and tucked her in. She grabbed the handle of the carrier and carried Beth out of the bathroom.


Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she looked at Puck.

"I'm surprised you showed up." Quinn noted. "Does your probation officer know you're here?"

"Probably." Puck nodded as he looked at Beth. "Please don't do this."

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

"Please." Puck repeated. "I don't wanna lose her."

"You're not losing her." Quinn replied. "You just don't have rights to her. If you wanna see her, it's up to me to let you."

"That's the same thing." Puck noted. "Please don't do this, Quinn."

Quinn bit her lip as she looked at Beth and thought about it.

"If you go in that room, they're gonna take one look at my record and that's it." Puck pointed out. "Don't do that to me. Or her."

"You think I want this?" Quinn asked. "My dad's been out of my life for less than a year and it sucks. I don't want Beth going through that."

Puck nodded slowly.

"But I don't want her having a father who disappears and reappears either. You haven't stepped up like you promised you would." Quinn stated. "For God's sake, Noah, you went to juvie."

"I know." Puck said. "Please just give me another chance. Don't take her from me."

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"Please." Puck repeated as Judy stepped into the hall.

Judy looked at Puck with disgust before turning to Quinn. "Quinny, everyone's waiting for you."

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