LA (Finn/Puck)

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A/N: from a multi chapter fic I lost inspiration for — though I wish we got to see Puck and Finn being f boys in LA together or more of them at college



Puck exclaimed as he opened the door to his apartment. "Come in!"

Finn smiled as Puck greeted him excitedly. "Hey, man. Thanks for letting me hide out here."

"Hide out?" Puck repeated, closing the door and helping Finn with his bags.

"I got a semi honorable discharge from the army." Finn reminded Puck. "It's embarrassing."

"It's not." Puck argued, shaking his head. "But I'm glad you didn't go back to New York. L.A. will be good for you."

"Well, I don't wanna interrupt your lifestyle so I'm only gonna be here temporarily." Finn noted. "So I'll take the couch."

"You can stay as long as you want, bro." Puck told Finn.

"Thanks." Finn said as he looked at Puck. "So... what now?"

"What now?" Puck repeated as he looked at his best friend. "Now you let me show you around L.A."

"Yeah?" Finn asked.

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "You need cheering up, and we need to catch up."

"Yeah." Finn agreed. "Sure."

"Okay, cool." Puck said. "Let me get ready and then we can go."

"Okay." Finn replied. "And Puck?"

"Yeah?" Puck asked.

"Thanks." Finn said. "For letting me crash here and not telling anybody."


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