Kunikatai - Are you overthinking, honey?

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From a scale of one to ten, how awkward is your life at the moment? One being the wonderful darkness of your room indulged only with the glowing of your screen. Ten as in being in a supermarket and your parent leaves you alone to "quickly" get something they had forgotten while your 5-year-old-ass has no money and no idea what to do.

For Katai his situation was a solid nine. Ten would be a bit too overreacting. And he didn't want to seem like he was begging for attention. Why was even choosing a number from a scale so hard, urgh!

Okay, okay, everything is alright! He just had to calm down. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale- The panic attack came back. How could everything not be useful?! It was so frustrating.

The main reason for his discomfort right now was a simple one: Kunikida was coming over. In 10 Minutes. And he gave Katai a minute ago. What is the problem within that?

Usually Katai wouldn't stress about Kunikida. That man had seen Katai for more than ten years including all his worst habits. They had gone through sick and thin. And even became a couple after a long time.

For Katai it was more like a weird dream. How could someone as perfe- no ideal, how could he describe his friend differently? "Boyfriend", Katai quietly reminded himself only to become a blushing mess. He couldn't even say that in his mind without blushing! How could he go through the other one visiting alone for the first time?

After Katai had confessed Kunikida took a long time to consider his friend's feelings. To go through his ideal and come to terms with his ideology. And as he told Katai his answer said one was ready for rejection. OH he was SO ready. His freezer was stocked with ice cream. He had so many boxes of tissues and everything else prepared so he wouldn't have to leave the house for a week.

Surprisingly though, the blonde male accepted his friend's confession. He said he wanted to "try" since he had never considered such a relationship before. And just when the two could talk or cry or even hug Kunikida got a phone call from work and left immediately. Leaving them in this awkward in-between phase.

The following days were with less visits from Kunikida. Maybe he had become sick of Katai? Maybe he had changed his mind? Maybe he had an accident- Katai had worried too much every day.

Though there had been one day where Kunikida visited once again. This time with Atsushi though. Maybe as a shield? Probably! Katai would have used Poe as an excuse if he wanted to get away from an awkward conversation. Plus Kunikida was acting as if everything was normal.

"I wish that he gets a call from work again", was what Katai silently thought. Then he could forget this whole situation. Forget his fault of telling his best friend about these feelings. Then he could bury himself under his futon while becoming a meaningless part of the world.


Katai heard his front door opening. Oh no. One glance at the clock showed him that his friend was exactly on time once again. Shit.

"Your whole room is a mess right now Katai. How can you live like this?", Kunikida started to scold Katai like usual. He really hates me.

Kunikida started to pick up a few empty ramen containers and other tableware on the ground. He then checked in the cupboard: "Don't you have any tea?".

He probably wants to pretend like nothing happened..., was what Katai thought. A lump started to form in his throat. He felt like crying. Thankfully that all wasn't visible as long as you weren't in the same futon with a flashlight...

Kunikida checked a mug if it was clean. With a few rubs and some drops of water it was at least clean enough. He then put in the tea bag and poured in the water he had heated just now. The tea had been his favorite as long as he could remember. Katai always had some at his home so that his friend could comfortably drink some. The neet himself though was more of a coffee drinker. Caffeine for the win after all. Who needs a healthy sleeping schedule when there's coffee?

Kunikida took his mug and walked towards the futon on the ground. The futon that hadn't really moved since he had entered the room. He shook his head in disbelief. That was absolutely not ideal! And being the man he is, Kunikida also had no shame so he started nagging once again: "So you're not even greeting your lover when he comes in?!".

Katai's head immediately started to perk up. Their eyes met. Katai's wide in disbelief and filled with tears. Kunikida is full of disappointment from a mother. This only made Kunikida cross his arms: "UNBELIEVABLE! Did you overthink everything again?". The sentence was then followed with Kunikida clicking his tongue.

Katai smiled while tears were streaming down his cheeks. Tears of relief. "That's just how I am Kunikida''. Katai couldn't really describe how relieved he was right now. Kunikida didn't hate him! That was the most important part of it. He didn't know how he could handle being a part of his friend who had been by his side for so long.

"We are a couple"

"I know I know! I'm sorry it just-", Katai wiped away his tears with his sleeves.

"We are a COUPLE", Kunikida cut him off mid sentence. There was still a disappointed look that Katai could see. Oh no. Did he hurt Kunikida? He did doubt him a little, how could he be so ignorant! How could he-

Kunikida sighed as he searched for something in his pocket. Maybe it was his phone? Did Katai not hear the phone ringing...? Was that even possible...? Though he would soon realize what his new lover would take out.

It was simple. A simple paper. Yet Katai knew what this meant. A marriage certificate? No way. Kunikida wasn't THAT extreme. Even with his expectations for the perfect wife, his ideal was no sudden marriage. It was something different that many would overlook due to the more 'crucially detailed' parts.

The paper in the idealist's hand was the paper of a perfect couple. No ideal couple oops. It didn't sound like much when an outsider looked at it. However, it was a guide to the simplest of conversations between two lovers.

Kunikida handed his lover the copied paper without a single word. Thankfully it had been Katai as his lover since there would be no other person who could put up with this oddball. Or at least that was what the whole agency always remarked. Even Fukuzawa had Kunikida's fated day marked in his calendar to see whether there would really be such a strong destined meeting...

"Do I have to-"


"R-r-really?", Katai blushed a little just at the thought of this. HECK he couldn't even do this inside his mind and now he should just leap off a building hoping that a white figure would catch him?!

He didn't get an answer though Kunikida didn't react at all. It was all indicating that Katai had to do THIS to appease him...

"W-w-welcome, h-h-ho... honey", he stuttered as his whole face turned extremely red. He just wanted to sink into the ground! And that wasn't even the worst lovey dovey nickname on Kunikida's ideal couple paper.

Kunikida smiled in content. What an ideal greeting! Now the ideal response. A simple kiss on the other one's lips. Perfect! Just like he had written in his ideal. Though he had probably not really calculated that this all was too much for his socially anxious lover. His lover who had now turned beet red and almost fainted-


Kunikatai! As requested by RMH_was_always_here :3 Thank you for also loving these two adorable oddballs, they are seriously too cute! Plus I just remembered that I wanted to add a picture as well... Let's see how far I will come with this xDDD

Update: I finished the picture :3 it just has simple shading and isn't that good but I hope you find it fitting to the story... Artwork is mine please do not repost or if you do please credit me :D

Hope you enjoyed this byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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