Odango - Quest

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Odasaku was on a quest. He was questing. He was ready!

Or at least Dazai always called every little plan a 'Quest'. Odasaku had once asked the brunette why. Dazai just replied with: 'Because it's more fun!'.

And after applying this to his life Odasaku realized that it was true. Calling every little thing a quest made him more motivated. He wasn't going shopping but going on a quest to retrieve eggs and rice! He wasn't going for a run but on a quest to get stronger!

Somehow the drama replaced the everyday habits that made everything feel the same. It was as if he changed his energy once in a while. So even if Dazai was a suicidal oddball, he was still a great blessing to Odasaku.

Yes, Dazai always had dark thoughts weighing on him and NO ONE should follow his example of trying to kill themselves. The world – shitty as it may be at times – was still wonderful. Because there are people who love you. Even just strangers on the internet. There definitely IS someone who cares about you and would be sad to hear you died.

Still, the same man had the most out-of-line ideas for spicing up everyone's everyday life. It was as if he stepped out of the line everyone was slowly marching on. And it was exhilarating. So every now and then a new idea came to the brunette's mind. This time it was questing. Last time it was a 'footshake' instead of a handshake. Who knows what exciting possibilities the future holds.

Odasaku smiled a little. These past few days have been wonderful. And there was nothing to be worried about.

Nothing to worry about with this quest.


"Ayooooo Odaaa! Did you already-", Dazai started as Oda saw his friend charging full speed at him, "-you didn't, huh?". Dazai looked at the object in Odasaku's hands and back into his friend's eyes.

The red-haired man used a swift motion to store the object related to the quest back into his bag. While doing that he didn't break eye contact with Dazai at all. Then he firmly placed his hands on his friend's shoulders: "Dazai. I can't do this."

"Why not? You're aware that you're a mafioso, right? Even if you're the lowest it's still-", Dazai started and narrowed his eyes.

"This is different Dazai!", Odasaku exclaimed frustrated. How could he make his friend understand how important and nerve-wracking this quest was?!

"Isn't it just-"

"Not JUST! That's the holy grail! A step towards salvation! An ambivalent key that could unleash good or bad!"

"Okay okay bro", Dazai sighed – a noise he did rarely as he was rarely the one being annoyed or frustrated. "Are you sure then? Do you WANT to go on this quest? You came so far and there are only a few steps left!".

"I don't know, I mean what if-"

"Do you want another adventurer to take your place, young hero?!", Dazai straightened his back and glared at Odasaku, trying to act as dramatic as possible.


"Then gather your courage young man! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! If it is thou who wants to change the fate of this story then you shall not falter!".

Silence spread between them. Both not breaking eye contact. Odasaku breathed in and out. In and out.

He then grabbed the box of dark chocolate that he had in his bag. It was packaged neatly and looked quite sweet. Yet the thought of giving it to his crush made Odasaku very giddy. Even though he could kill people in a single second this was still one of the most nerve-wracking things to him.

Odasaku, the one who had broken their eye contact, looked back at Dazai: "Have you already given your chocolate to Chuuya?".

"FJKDK!", Dazai exclaimed. "Why would I give that dog something?!"

"You've bought some as well. You're not going to give it to Mori. Nor to HIrotsu or anyone else. So Chuuya is the only option", Odasaku shrugged.

"HAHAHAHA! You're joking! Me?! Giving that dog something? NO! Nonono! I got that for myself!", Dazai laughed. Odasaku knew he was lying, even if no one could SEE if Dazai was lying. You just had to rely on your gut feeling for this one.

"Then don't judge me for getting cold feet", Odasaku shrugged.

"I'm judging you for getting cold feet", a familiar voice said.

Odasaku twirled around and there he stood! His brown hair was neatly combed back and looked perfect as always. There was a single strand of hair escaping though and it fell into Ango's beautiful face. His round glasses framed his perfect eyes and just made Ango seem so intellectual yet sweet yet cool yet sexy yet-

"ANGO!", Dazai exclaimed happy for the distraction from his Chuuya-chocolate-problem, "Looking as shitty as always! Slightly greasy hair, deep eyebags, way too thick glasses, damn the boss threw a whole lot of work at you, huh?".

'But still perfect', Odasaku thought.

"Apparently I'm the only one then. At least judging from the fact, that you both are lingering here for quite a while making me nervous! Is there nothing better to do for you than parading in front of my office?", Ango said and fixed his glasses.

"Oh, sorry about that", Odasaku shrugged calmly. "I just wanted to give you this", he said and then just basically shoved the box of chocolates into Ango's hands.

Quest done. Retreat.

"Uhm, thanks...?", was the only thing he heard while he almost ran along the corridor. RETREAT.

Ango blinked a bit and looked at Dazai raising an eyebrow: "Is that a thank you for all my hard work or how should I interpret this?".

"Nah. I think that's a: 'I love you and if you want we can also fuck' kind of thing", Dazai shrugged and then shouted: "Odasaku! Wanna go eat ramen?!".

Dazai then ran at top speed after Odasaku leaving behind a flustered and confused Ango. This was NOT what Ango expected from this Valentine Day...


Small a bad story but I hope someone enjoyed it! I'm going to thank y'all more in the last chapter for this year, but just – thanks. Sorry for not updating much these days. 

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