Rimbaud x Verlaine - Warm and Cold

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"You're heavy," complained the strawberry blonde man. He looked at the other one who was laying on top of him. Said one was dressed in a heavy and thick pullover as well as gloves and a scarf.

"And you're warm", Rimbaud answered and tried to make himself smaller so that he would stay warmer.

Verlaine sighed. There was no way his partner would ever stop this. It has always been the same. Once they got off a mission then Rimbaud would turn on the heater and put on the warmest clothes he had. And then he would snuggle into Verlaine even if Verlaine tried to shove him off.

"This room is basically an oven. Not to mention that THIS is probably NOT noted as basic interaction between spies"; Verlaine shook his head and looked at the man on his lap.

"It is."

"It is NOT"

"It is. The protocol says that in case of extreme temperature drop you should warm each other with your body warmth", The brunette said looking up into Verlaine's eyes. There was no cheeky smile either he just seemed as if he took that behavior as absolutely normal...!

Verlaine rubbed his temples. "But I'm even sweating now....", he groaned and glared at Rimbaud. The room was now really an oven.

"That's because you're still young. Those youngsters have a higher temperature so bear with your elder here", Rimbaud said and closed his eyes. There was no mocking and no remorse in his tone. His sense of humor has always been dry after all...

"Would you please stop with those unamusing jokes?"

"Never", Rimbaud said with the faintest smile on his face. Verlaine felt his heart clutch a little at the sight.

He took one of the strands from his partners hair and slowly started to braid it. It was so soft and thick like a blanket. Verlaine always wondered how Rimbaud could wear earmuffs with that much long hair...

"If you're that cold why are you not getting a blanket instead?", Verlaine proposed. He took another strand of hair to braid it as well and smiled a little.

"Great idea", Rimbaud said without moving one bit. His eyes were still closed and he seemed completely relaxed. There was a moment of silence and after a few minutes Verlaine knew that this man would not move an inch. Not even if it meant to gain a tiny bit of warmth.

That was a habit he had to get used to for a long time. After Rimbaud had rescued him he was vary of everyone. He wouldn't let anyone close nor would he converse more than necessary. Verlaine with different after all.

And so after some time of working together in silence he was really confused at the others behavior. Rimbaud would not move an inch if he was losing a certain amount of warmth that he would then NOT regain instantly after 2 minutes. Even if it meant so be warmer later.

It was quite the confusing sight as he was a top spy as well as Verlaine's partner. The partner of the non-human. Of the thing that was assigned to be a spy.

Verlaine stood up with a sigh. In his arms he held the other man with ease. After all it wasn't a really difficult task with his ability. Verlaine chuckled a little thinking about his little brother had to struggle with carrying that partner of his...

With a swift movement Verlaine took the blanket from a table where he had placed it before. He sat down again and spread it above the two of them.

"Better", Rimbaud remarked without moving one facial muscle.

Verlaine chuckled at his behavior. How could his partner be so careless and comfortable with a lab rat? With a non-human being? A demon that wished to destroy the world once.

"How are you so calm?", the blue eyed man asked and started once again to braid the other ones hair.

"Because you are you no matter what", Rimbaud answered, "and you know that as well".

"I do", Verlaine said feeling his heart sting a little. He looked at the man on his lap that he was wrapped into the blanket with. He eyes were closed and his face seemed unmoving. "Maybe you're the one who's not human considering how cold you always are", Verlaine whispered.

"I'm cold because I know too much. It is the world that will slowly turn your heart into ice. You just don't have enough experience", Rimbaud answered. His face still expressionless like it always was. Verlaine felt like he could draw it in his sleep after watching it for so many countless nights...

"And you don't understand what I feel", Verlaine shot back at the other one's argument. His tone was calm and he slightly caressed the other one's cheek.

"I do", Rimbaud said. "I know exactly how you feel. About all your insecurities and fears. How you want to stand up and go but don't have the energy to do that. How you feel guilty and hollow. How you want to die yet you can't. How relieved you feel now that everything is gone and there is no one in your head anymore."

Verlaine stopped with braiding his partners hair and looked into his face. He was still laying there motionless. Verlaine carefully traced the other one's facial features but felt nothing on his fingertips. He shivered a little and ignored the screaming in his heart. "You can't know that", Verlaine finally whispered, wishing that he had just stayed quiet.

"You're right. There's only one person who knows how you feel", the brunette said and finally looked up again. Though instead of his usual gloomy golden eyes only dead ones stared up at Verlaine and-

With a gasp the former French spy woke up again. He was laying on the ground with a thin blanket. The room was dark yet he felt like he was choking. The air was pretty bad after all with the heater on full volume.

Verlaine stood up and switched on the lights. There was a dim flickering until it finally turned on. The room really was boiling hot. Verlaine could feel himself sweating like crazy.

Still a bit groggy from the sleep he had finally gotten Verlaine stumbled towards the bathroom. Another room that was only practical, looking like a very shabby hotel. After turning on the water Verlaine splashed it into his face.

He looked into the mirror and a pathetic face looked back. No king of assassins who had lost his mind. No perfect and tidied man who didn't even seem human. His hair was a mess and he looked extremely tired.

"I understand now Rimbaud. I'm cold. I'm cold without you... How could you place such a cruel curse on me to save me and live without you?", He whispered and felt his cold heart in the boiling hot room.


So someone suggested this and after finishing Stormbringer I'm obsessed as well xD I just can't find the name again, really sorry... Hope y'all enjoyed! :3

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