Fukumori - Casual talk

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"Quite unusual for us to sit around together and have a little chat, isn't it? What a coincidence~", Mori smiled a sweet smile at the man next to him.

Fukuzawa only glared at him. Or it was his usually stern face. Who knew? At the very least it was clear to the mafia boss that he was not pleased about Mori sitting next to him.

"So how was your day?", Mori asked after a few minutes of silence. He once again tried to put on one of his friendliest smiles.

But not one word escaped the other one's lips. The older male only looked the other way and ignored the one pestering him with questions.

"...Seriously? We both have a bit of time right now so before wasting it we could invest it and try to get some extra information out of the other... You know how much I hate wasting time...", Mori sighed and leaned back a little.

For a while, there was silence again. And as Mori had given up hope for even a little conversation to pass the time the agency boss finally started talking. "I had taken care of business and then played a little bit of Go with Kunikida".

"Oh, how lovely!", Mori nodded. He knew that that was a common occurrence and was part of Kunikida's schedule. After all, it was an important task to always watch your enemies carefully.

"And you?", Fukuzawa said not even looking at the black-haired male.

"Hmmm...", Mori pondered for a bit, "Remember the letter that probably arrived at your desk this morning?"

"Seemed like an important matter if you took care of it personally", now the agency boss seemed interested. After all, it was a rare occasion when the mafia boss himself took matters into his hand. That only happened when Mori thought that it had to be perfect and that he could only trust himself with such a matter.

"Indeed. Quite the annoying matter I must say. It has put me in a bad mood as of late", Mori sighed. A smile was still plastered on his face. As if he had perfectly sewn his mask onto his face with his words not matching it even a bit.

Fukuzawa always found that... worrying. Worrying that this person could hold his mask so perfectly in place no matter what. No matter what he thought, there was no way it would show on Mori's face. A perfect façade that didn't even break when he was tortured.

It was an occasion that happened once while Fukuzawa was Mori's bodyguard. Mori had annoyed him enough so that he would finally get him some instant coffee for his lab. When Fukuzawa had that disgusting powder with him and arrived at the lab he could hear voices through the door.

And as he looked through the slight split in the door he saw a few gangsters beating the underground doctor to a pulp. All while said one only smiled and declared his innocence. It truly was a perfect mask. So perfect that Fukuzawa always wondered how the mafia boss would look like showing his true feelings. How deformed and hurt would the being behind the mask look? Would it even be human? Or was it a robot or a corpse? Who knew...

"Then I hope that you won't vent your anger in a... troublesome way", Fukuzawa sighed. He really had no time for extra cases at this time of the year...

"My hands are as full with work as yours are. I won't even have time for that", Mori sighed and adjusted his position a little bit. Sitting on the cold stone floor wasn't the most comfortable thing to do after all...

"Good. After Dazai started his 1000 suicide attempts in a month challenge things have become a mess", Fukuzawa sighed and raised his hands to rub his temples. He was slowly sure that if Dazai would not succeed with his suicide attempts that he would kill at least Kunikida indirectly with all the stress he caused...

"Oh, he will not succeed with that challenge. He will 'try again' the next month and just use it as an excuse to skip work. Believe me, I have gone through that as well", Mori chuckled and glanced towards Fukuzawa. The man was now looking at him fully and maybe curious...?

So Mori decided that he would just tell him how to solve this problem just once. Only because he felt like it not because he thought it was even the slightest bit cute: "You just have to count all his actual working hours and pay him accordingly. He will see the consequences and will only skip work in his regular style".

Fukuzawa only nodded. No thank you or anything else. Just a tired nod.

"Any way have you seen the new tea shop-" Mori started opening a new topic as he felt something touching his forehead. He looked up with a smile.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", the man yelled for probably the tenth time. The both of them had ignored it until now so he seemed to see his only opportunity was to threaten them.

Mori glanced at the gun that was directly on his forehead: "No need to act so aggressively. We just had a long day and are chatting a bit"

"This is a fucking robbery! You are hostages so stay quiet and weep like the others around you!", the man yelled his head bright red.

Mori sighed: "Listen here, I never wanted to be held hostage anyway so this is a little inconvenient for me. I've had a stressful day at work and now this..."

"I don't care about you and your pathetic day. Listen here: If you don't shut up now I will just end you with one shot", the amateur gangster looked into the mafia boss's eyes while pressing the gun a little bit harder against the other one's forehead.

"Are you threatening to kill me...?", Mori whispered. His voice sounded shocked and muffled as if he was holding back tears.

"I am and I-", the man started but was immediately silenced by a calculated hit from Fukuzawa. The boss of the agency only glared at Mori.

"What? I was only asking! You know I could have used self-defense!", Mori said while getting out his scalpel and cutting through his shackles.

"You would have just killed him with that as an excuse...", Fukuzawa sighed and held his own hands towards the mafia boss so that he could also be freed.

Mori shook his head: "Really the police take their sweet time to free us, hostages, that it is annoying to wait... Don't they take their job seriously? Maybe I should talk with the few that we bribed..."

"I agree. They did take their time long enough for us to take care of the situation ten times in that period... And to your question: I was going to visit the tea shop right now", Fukuzawa said while taking care of the backup that came to look for the hostages.

"Lovely, mind if I tag along? I was searching for an engagement gift for Koyo and thought about going there as well... Not to mention that this will be way faster to take care of together if the police are still thinking about what to do", the black-haired male smiled while ramming another backup's face into a wall. One could hear the nose cracking from the impact.

Fukuzawa only thought for a few seconds and then nodded to the proposal. He didn't know why but he wasn't opposed to the idea of going together.


Just some soon-to-be husband action! Yeah kinda liked that chapter and I hope you did as well! Imma move on to the next one now owo

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