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June, 1976


After a lot of begging, the fifth-year students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry got their well-deserved day off in Hogsmeade before their O.W.L.s – only to find the village busier than usual, for another witchcraft and wizardry school had granted its students a day off in Hogsmeade as well.

"Who are all these people?" complained a dark-haired boy from Hogwarts to his three friends, all of them sitting at a table inside a crowded Three Broomsticks, "It was supposed to be our day off!"

"If it's not to your liking," cuttingly said a female teen as she walked by their table, her uniform letting them know she was from Durmstrang, "There's the door."

All four boys at the table looked at her and suddenly froze, as if they had been stunned; not even the dark-haired boy, James Potter was able to utter anything in reply.

"Wh-what just happened?" muttered one of them after a few seconds, finally feeling he could speak again.

"No idea, Moony." said James, turning his head, trying to see where she had gone, "But she is gorgeous!"

"Yes," murmured another boy, "But looks somewhat familiar."

"Well, considering the people your family befriends, Padfoot, that means she's trouble," said the one they called Moony.


"Does any of you know who's that?" asked a blond teenager sitting at another table nearby with four of his friends, all of them watching the Durmstrang girl walk to the cashier to pay for her butterbeer. "I feel like I know her..."

"She's from Durmstrang," said one of the others.

"Oh, really, Yaxley?" said the blonde, sarcastically. "Thanks for telling me that, otherwise I'd have never known she's not from Hogwarts since she's wearing the Durmstrang uniform!"

"Durmstrang came to visit Hogsmeade this weekend, Lucius," explained another boy, Eric Travers, "And they'll have dinner at Hogwarts tonight, before going back to Durmstrang tomorrow morning."

"How do you know that?" asked Yaxley, looking very impressed by his friend's knowledge.

"If you had paid attention to what the Headmaster was saying this morning, you would l've known it too," said Travers in a monotone.

But the fourth teenager at the table kept quiet, only listening to his friends' comments about the Durmstrang girl, his dark eyes following her as she paid and thanked the man behind the counter.

He watched her turn and walk towards the exit, talking to her friends in what seemed to be French, and, for a second, her eyes met his. They were dark-green, like emeralds, and they complemented her rosy lips and long brown wavy hair beautifully.

When she walked by their table, all four boys froze, just like the Gryffindors had before.

"Bloody hell," growled Malfoy once he could think again, "She's part-veela!"

"Veela? But I believe she was speaking French... wasn't she?" asked a disoriented Yaxley.

"Just because you're too lazy to learn a second language, that doesn't mean everyone else is," said Travers, clearly annoyed.

"It makes sense..." nodded Lucius. "Durmstrang is somewhere in northern Europe, and veelas are the mascots of the Bulgarian national Quidditch team. But still... it's unusual to send girls to Durmstrang." He looked at his silent dark-haired friend, "What do you think, Severus? Do you know who she might be?"

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