Double the trouble

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Note: This is a long chapter with one important surprise, it felt wrong to split it into two.


Two days later

Snapes' family home

Hermione sat on a sofa in the magically-screened backyard porch, reading a book on spell-making she'd found in the library. Her arm didn't hurt, and the scar was already minimal, it had been just two days and one could barely see the word 'mudblood' on her skin anymore.

She smiled as she saw a tray of tea and cookies floating into the room – Tiffany was spoiling her just as much as James.

"Thanks, Tiff!" Hermione shouted, picking up a chocolate chip cookie and sipping a marvellous spiced pear tea.

She closed the spells book and took a moment to look around the beautiful, snow-covered backyard, realising she felt safe and comfortable there – and that was nothing short of funny; for she, a muggleborn, was enjoying tea and cookies in the Dark Lord's daughter's house, sleeping in the arms of the Lord's firstborn grandson every night, and on her finger she had a diamond ring that represented her commitment to said young man.

A chuckle left her lips.

"What's so amusing, kitten?" she heard James asking from the door and turned to look at him.

Damn, he looked good; his tall strong frame leaning on the doorcase, his long dark hair falling on his shoulders in soft waves, giving him a bad-boy vibe.

She sighed – her heart beating faster at the sight of him.

"You can also touch, you know," James said with a smirk, loving the way she was ogling him.

Hermione bit her bottom lip and patted the sofa, "So come here."

James approached and sat beside her, pulling her close and rubbing his nose on the side of her neck.

"So?" he asked, softly biting her earlobe, "What made you laugh?"

"Mmm. It was- I just," she was having trouble focusing as he continued his touches down her neck, "I've just... realised the irony of my situation."

"How so?" he whispered, biting the curve of her shoulder.

"I'm a muggleborn recovering from- mmm- hunting pieces of her fiancée's grandfather's soul, while reading a, probably illegal, spells book on the sofa of the Dark Lord's daughter's house – who is married to a teacher I absolutely loathed till not too long ago."

James chuckled low and pulled her chin up for a kiss, "Sounds very absurd when you say it like that, kitten. But I wouldn't change a thing."

"Neither would I," she whispered, kissing him, feeling her whole body melt under his touches, "Fuck, Jamie, all you have to do is breathe near me and I'm suddenly burning for you!"

"It serves you well," said James, a hand caressing her thighs, "Just knowing you're in the house is enough to get me hard."

Hermione jumped on his lap, straddling him and kissing him with near desperation.

James's hands found their way under her jumper, cupping her breasts, loving that she had done as he'd asked and forgone her bra that day.

"I want to worship you for days, love," he whispered as he pinched her nipples, "Edge you for hours, make you beg for my cock. I've lost many nights of sleep imagining how you'd look completely lost in subspace under me."

She trembled, fisting both hands in his long hair, loving the dirty things he said he wanted to do to her.

"More, Jamie, tell me more."

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