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December 24th 1994

The night of the Yule Ball

Severus had been tricked by Dumbledore to stay in the castle and help chaperone the students during the Yule Ball – as if he cared that teenagers were shagging in the corridors.

"Let them have fun, Dumbledore!" he had said.

But the headmaster looked at him over the rim of his half-moon glasses, saying: "Because It's fun to get pregnant before the N.E.W.T.s?" which shut Severus up very quickly – for that was what had happened with Florence and him.

Dumbledore continued: "The Board of Governors hasn't allowed me to distribute condoms in the school during the TriWizard Tournament."

"So it's up to me to stop those idiots from conceiving?"

"Don't be irrational, Severus," said Dumbledore, "You were like that once. Or do you think I don't know what you and Florence used to do in the Astronomy Tower, the Room of Requirement, and even in the Slytherin Common Room?"

Severus looked at him, surprised, "How do you know that?"

"I didn't, but you've just confirmed my suspicions," laughed Dumbledore, "In the common room? Really? You Slytherins sure are kinky."

He ignored that last comment and said: "Well, you can't give them condoms, but I can."

And that was why Severus had to cut short the marvellous Christmas Eve he was having with his family to go to the castle at five in the afternoon to spend the night watching over hormone-driven teenagers snogging around the castle.

He could be at home, lounging on the sofa, with his beautiful 7-month-pregnant wife on his lap, a good elven wine on his hand and his kids bickering and playing games on the rug.

But nooo, he had to stop a couple of bastards from being conceived.

On top of it all, it took him but a couple of minutes to realise that most of the students nearly shagging in the corridors were Slytherins – and if he kept on docking points, his House wouldn't stand a chance in winning the House Cup that year.

Therefore, Severus resorted to walking around the corridors just throwing condoms and glares at the snogging couples and forfeiting docking points.

After all, he knew the teenagers would shag anyway – no matter how many points he threatened to take from their Houses.


Severus stood near a wall in the Great Hall, looking at the time in the pocket watch he rarely used, it marked 11:45.


At midnight, the Hall would be closed and the Ball brought to an end.

Severus walked to the Headmaster and told Dumbledore he was leaving. The considerably inebriated man just wished him a Merry Christmas, and Severus went to the dungeons to use the Floo, his thoughts on his warm bed where his beautiful wife was probably already asleep.

However, it seemed his nightmare of an evening wasn't over yet: for in front of the door to his living quarters stood Igor Karkaroff.

"What the fuck do you want?" he growled at the man.

"Severus! We have to talk! The Mark is reappearing!" Karkaroff whispered in desperation, "It's becoming more and more visible each day!"

Severus struggled to control his desire to just kill the annoying man, "I've already told you, Igor: that doesn't worry me," he turned to enter his private quarters.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن