The War: Act One

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 A week later

The Weasley kids, the Snape twins and others were once again training in the magically enlarged backyard under the watchful eyes of Remus and Severus, while Florence, Molly and Fred sat on the porch just watching them.

"I'm glad Ron is keeping his distance from Mione and James," said Molly, "I don't know what came over that boy to do what he did, I raised him better than that."

Fred snorted: "He's a bloody idiot!"

"Don't blame yourself, Molly," said Florence, smiling at Fred, "And Ronald better keep himself far from Mione. One wrong look and James will end him."

Molly gulped, "Couldn't you talk to him?"

Florence shook her head, "That is my son's personal life, Molly. I taught him that killing someone for no reason is wrong."

"My fear is that Ron gives him a reason," she said, exhaling heavily.

Tiffany walked into the porch then, carrying little cakes, tea and sandwiches.

"Thanks, Tiff," said Florence, pouring three cups of tea.

"It's a huge help having house elves," said Molly, smiling, "I can't remember the last time I was off my feet for so long!"

Florence nodded, "Having as many children as we have, plus demanding careers, wouldn't be possible if Sev and I didn't have Tiff and Mel. And Eileen always have at least two kids with her, so Sam is a blessing as well."

"I understand," Molly nodded, "I chose to stop working to focus on taking care of my kids, but I can see how impossible it would be for a healer to do everything."

Then the unexpected sound of the Floo being activated surprised them and they looked at the door of the house just in time to see a very angry Kingsley Shacklebolt storming out of the house towards the grass field where everyone was.

"Whose idea was it to cancel all attacks on death eaters and lie low for a while?" shouted Kingsley.

And everyone stopped training to look at him.

"Hi, Kingsley," greeted Remus, walking towards him, sensing the immediate tension between Severus and the ex-auror, "Last meeting, Florence suggested we–"

But Kingsley didn't let him finish, barking a bitter laugh: "Ah! Of course it was her!" he turned to look at Florence, suddenly noticing her swollen belly and glancing at Severus, who had approached him.

"So you've all fallen for these two's act then?" kept shouting Shacklebolt, "Can't you see they are just stalling us? They want us to do nothing! Meanwhile her father gets stronger! They are playing us for fools!"

The ex-auror walked towards Severus, who wasted no time and pointed his wand to Kingsley's face.

"You should be dead!" growled Shacklebolt, his wand in attack position, "You, along with your bitch and each one of your spawns should be dead!"

That granted him a dozen more wands pointed his way, the Snape twins stood beside their father, furious at the ex-auror.

"Kingsley," called Remus, trying to diffuse that situation, "We got sixty new members just this week. All thanks to Florence's idea of getting the Quibbler's subscription list-"

"Sixty is nothing!" Kingsley retorted, "Her father must've gotten three times that number! We can't call off the attacks on them!"

Remus continued: "Neither can we risk losing people before having everything ready to engage You-Know-Who in a final battle!"

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