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Sunday, November 1st, 1981

5 a.m.

Privet Drive, Little Whinging

Dumbledore apparated to that pretty, and incredibly clean, muggle neighbourhood and patted his pockets, soon finding what he was looking for: a silver cigarette lighter.

However, he wasn't going to have a smoke; when he flicked it open, no fire came out of it, instead the nearest street lamp went out with a little pop.

He clicked it again – and the next lamp flickered into darkness, he kept doing so until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance, which were the eyes of a cat watching him.

"Fancy seeing you here, Minerva," he said.

And the cat moved towards him, swiftly transforming back into Professor McGonagall.

"You've got to be kidding me, Albus! Will you really leave little Harry here, with these muggles?"

"Yes. I must."

"This boy could live in a loving home with Florence and her boys, but you're condemning him to stay with these people! Severus said they are the worst kind of muggles he's ever seen! They are-"

"The only family Harry has," interrupted Dumbledore.

McGonagall let out an exasperated huff, and the sound of a loud motorcycle interrupted their about-to-happen argument and let them know that Hagrid had arrived with baby Harry.

"Good evening, Prof. Dumbledore, Prof. McGonagall," he reached into his large bag and carefully retrieved a sleeping baby, passing him to Dumbledore.

"Florence got 'im fed and cleaned before I got there. She wrapped 'im tight, like a little burrito, so that he wouldn't cry – she said."

Dumbledore just nodded at him before looking down at the baby, noticing the strange scar in his forehead.

"Please, Albus, take him back to Florence," begged McGonagall.

"I can't do that, Minerva. Florence will marry Severus in the near future, I'm sure of that. And Voldemort will come back someday; we can't have the Boy-who-lived being raised as a son by Voldemort's most prized Death Eater."

McGonagall didn't reply, she just turned around and disapparated without a word as Dumbledore walked to the Dursleys' front porch and laid the baby there, on the floor, in front of the door, with a letter on his blanket.

Hagrid left on the flying bike, while Dumbledore restored the street lights and disapparated.


Delacour Manor

5 a.m.

After cleaning up, feeding and swaddling baby Harry, Florence cried as she watched Hagrid leave the Hospital Wing with him in his arms.

She wanted to take Harry home, raise him with her twins, she had the experience and the financial means – not to mention it was what Lily and James would've wanted.

Nicholas would love having Harry as his baby brother.

James would probably complain at first, as usual, but in the end he'd accept him too.

As soon as the sound of Sirius' flying motorcycle could no longer be heard, Florence asked Pomfrey if she could go home – which the school's mediwitch agreed to, but only after Pomfrey herself sent a letter to St. Mungus, letting Prof. Smethwyck know that Florence had to be away from work for two weeks.

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