1984 Mr Werewolf Expert

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Note: Some things that happen in this chapter are not widely known, but they are canon. Mr Cecil Lee, his Lockhart obsession, and parts of the story involving him and Greyback are canon.


October 30th, 1984

Snapes' family home

It was the middle of the night; the five members of the family were asleep in the comfort and safety of their beds.

Florence was lying on her husband's chest, peacefully; his hand around her waist, holding her close as always.

Then they both felt it: the prickle of awareness of being watched.

There's someone in the room. Florence whispered in Severus' mind. By the bed.

I can feel it too. He replied. Let's attack- now!

And they quickly sat up - wands in hand and pointing at the foot of the bed - only to find a beautiful Patronus Phoenix hovering there.

"Come to Hogwarts at once!" it said, in Dumbledore's voice, "I need you two here. There's been an attack!"

"Bloody hell," Severus growled, rubbing his hands on his face, "I'll kill Dumbledore if he pulls something like this ever again. Nearly gave me a heart attack."



Hospital wing

Florence and Severus walked out of the fireplace and into a horror-movie scene: five students were bleeding and crying in pain as Pomfrey frantically ran from one bed to another.

"Florence!" she exclaimed, "Thankgoodness you're here! See to Jacob! He was bitten!"

"Bitten?" Florence repeated, running to the boy's bed and noticing his neck was bleeding profusely; instead of asking Poppy questions, she quickly ran her wand over him, finding out exactly what had bitten the boy: a werewolf.

Severus! She called him through their bond. Bring me the powdered silver I know you have downstairs in your storage room.

He frowned but nodded, going back to the fireplace and calling for the potions lab.

Florence put the boy Jacob in a coma and worked on cleaning his wound, breathing more easily once she remembered it wasn't a full moon night, so the boy and the others wouldn't be turning into werewolves.

Severus returned with the powder and helped her mix it with dittany to apply on the boy's neck.

After she had closed the bite and the kid wasn't at risk of bleeding to death anymore, they helped Pomfrey with the other kids.

Once they had finished attending to all five students, Florence asked: "How were students attacked by werewolves, Poppy?"

But before Pomfrey could answer, a man walked into the infirmary accompanied by Dumbledore, "That's exactly what I'm here to find out, Madam Delacour!"

Florence looked at the man, noticing he wore a uniform with the Ministry's logo on it but she didn't recognise him.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"I'm Cecil Lee, captain of the Ministry's Werewolf Capture Unit. The werewolf responsible for this attack is Fenrir Greyback."

"Hello again, Mr Lee," greeted Severus, remembering having talked to the man a couple of years ago.

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